New Update to 1000th Entry Celebration!
After taking careful thought into how I should approach this momentous experience, I have decided that I should be more true to the original intent of my diary. By original intent, I mean by accumulating 1000 PUBLIC entries as opposed to combined entries. I understand that at one point in time I had developed a fan club that ultimately went the way of the Dodo bird simply because…it just wasn’t meant to be. Knowing full well that I had made threats to those who didn’t join by viciously denying them the ability to enrapture themselves in rich, indepth entries that apparently never really came about. While I do emphasize an apology here to those who went through the gauntlet to make it on my Favorites list, I will remind everyone that I do have a disclaimer on my page. If you don’t know about it…then now would be the time. This entry will still be here when you get back.
Originally when I started this entry as a free open diary member, I left it open to anyone to read and leave notes – MsNoSign, allowing you to do what you did best. I have not decided on how I should celebrate my 1000th entry, or rather 1001st entry. What I will be doing is desperately trying to write up 27 entries in as short time as possible so that I have accumulated 995 entries. In doing so, every entry after that up to the 1000th entry will be entertaining, exciting, mesmerizing, funny, hilarious, dark, confusing, and misleading. I will do my best to write up some fantastic stories for everyone to enjoy.
In the meantime, I and hopefully all of my fellow readers will help me decide on what I should do for the 1001st entry. Or rather how I should celebrate. For those of you who still have my OD membership tag on their contents page are no longer required to keep it there; however, I encourage you to show your support for one of the greatest Open Diary members (wait…I don’t pay to be on here)…*hm*…one of the greatest Open Diary Original free members of our time. Favorite entries will be written in the future, but not in vast quantities as my public entries have been.
The Official Taradiddle Diary just was not cut out to be an exclusive diary. It was meant to be enjoyed by all who passed through for a laugh or a tear, neither denying entry or "hiding" awesome content. Once again, I apologize to those who went through the gauntlet to become official members, but as it stands you still are and will always be…you just don’t have to prove it anymore. Unless you want to…I encourage it.
For now, I will get back to doing work that I am paid to do.
ha. you are so cute. i think a bottle of something to celebrate the occasion. my contents page will remain the same, until i decide to redecorate. of course, that happens less seldom than the blue moon. even so, it may remain. so when, exactly, did you join up here? i was july of ’99, although i had been a lurker since around january.
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oh, sept. of ’99. ( soft laugh… i’m smart like that 😉 when i have more time, i’ll have to peruse some of your earlier entries…
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