JaSurMo Survey #1

January 1st Survey – Day 1 of JaSurMo 2012

[1] What did you do in 2011 that you have never done before? 
Ate raw meat.

[2] Did you keep all of last years resolutions?
Don’t think I made any last year. 

[3] Have you any resolutions for next year?
Stress less.  Keep life simple.  Keep sight of the big picture.  And lose the kilo I put on over Xmas!

[4] Did anyone close to you give birth?
My cousin, my ex’s partner, and my ex-step-sister-in-law (yup, they’re all family.  A lot of gifts to buy!)

[5] Did anyone close to you die?
Oobi, an OD friend. 

[6] What countries did you visit?
 Good lord, it’s a big year when I visit another state. 
Which I did actually.  Queensland.

[7] What would you like to have in 2012 that you didn’t have in 2011?
Health, romance, lots of friends, wealth, and work I love.

[8] What dates in 2011 will remain etched in your memory and why?
Late May and all of June; Pluto conjunct natal Saturn.  
A massive health crisis I barely survived psychologically, but which got me working really hard on my health. 

[9] What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Straightening my crooked spine, healing my sensitive teeth, losing 5kg, and beginning to fix my gait and feet.

[10] What was your biggest failure?
Friends who decided to go their own way

[11] Did you suffer any illness or injury?
Story of my life.  Mostly same old. 

[12] What was the best thing you bought?
A beautiful blue Japanese teapot.

[13] Whose behaviour merited celebration?
Alexander’s.  He was so supportive when I was going through hell in June. 
Also mine.  I built a lot of social connections this year.

[14] Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
The coal and coal seam gas industries’.

[15] Where did most of your money go?
To my naturopath and my chiropractor.  *Sigh*  Worth it. 

[16] What did you get really really really excited about?
The big Easter family reunion of people I haven’t seen since I was a teenager, plus some I’d never met. 
Also visiting Alexander in Byron afterward. 

[17] What songs will always remind you of 2011?

[18] Compared to this time last year are you :
a) Fatter or thinner?  Thinner, hooray!
b) Happier or sadder?  Sadder
c) Richer or poorer?  Richer

[19] What do you wish you’d done more of?

[20] What do you wish you’d done less of?
Reading endless piles of email.

[21] How will you be spending Christmas?
Spent it with family and my friend Cressi. 

[22] Which OD users did you meet for the first time?
In person?  Still haven’t met any.

[23] Did you fall in love in 2011?

[24] How many one night stands?

[25] What was your favourite TV programme?
Stargate Universe. 

[26] Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?

[27] What was/were the best books you read?
Cure Tooth Decay, by Ramiel Nagel

[28] What was your greatest musical discovery?
The realisation that I really don’t care about it. 
Let others compile music collections and sift through hours of recordings. 
I just couldn’t be bothered.  It’s not my hobby. 

[29] What did you want and get?
Ways to fix half a dozen health problems the doctors call incurable. 

[30] What did you want and not get?
Cures for a few more, especially Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. 
A laptop and a new phone would also be nice. 

[31] What was your favourite film this year?
Hardly saw any movies this year – only repeats on TV.

[32] What did you do on your birthday and how old were you?
I was 34, and I spent the day helping an acquaintance I’d just met decorate a church hall for her wedding reception. 

[33] What one thing made your year more satisfying than 2010?
I lost 5kg and saw some real improvements in some aspects of my health. 
Also I made a new friend.

[34] How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2011?
Cargoes and tshirts; jeans and jumpers.  Casual tomboy styles, muted colours, natural fabrics.

[35] What kept you sane?
Alexander, intensive and extensive googling of health information, and…
hang on, sane?  Wh

o says I even started 2011 sane?

[36] Which celebrity did you fancy the most?
I’ve been pleasantly free of celebrity crushes this year. 
Okay, so apart from a little fixation on James Marsters while watching Buffy back last January.

[37] Which political issue stirred you the most?
Coal and Coal seam gas mining.

[38] Who did you miss?
I really miss Oobi.  I’ve never had a friend die before.
Also I miss Tamara.

[39] Who was the best new person you met?

[40] Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned this year?
Friends make life so much better.  Especially when you can spend time with them in person.  They’re worth the effort.

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January 2, 2012

Happy New Year, I started it taking asaxantin, a miracle new antioxidant.