Sometimes I feel like I’m running fifteen years late. I started out so boldly. Left home at twenty, moved here and there around the country. And now I feel like I’m turning into my mother and grandmother, telling them about my day, eating at their tables.
My body is getting older and sicker and flabbier. I thought maybe the reason I never knew what I wanted to do with my life was because I was going to be too sick to do anything anyway. Now I’m not sure. If I was meant to be sick, wouldn’t I be more at peace with it? Instead, I have pie-in-the-sky hopes and absurd expectations of life.
Nothing is good enough. I don’t really want to make friends in Sydney because I want to get out of this hick town. Yes, I know it’s an international city of nearly five million, but it still feels like a hick town to me. I don’t want to get involved because I don’t want to put down roots. I’m destined for bigger and better things. I want to be where the gorgeous, glamourous, brilliant and soulful people are. I want to be in the middle of the creative work. I want to be on the crest of the wave of discovery. I want to learn in person instead of from the TV screen. I want to explore forbidden thinking with forbidden thinkers.
Crazy, isn’t it? Why can’t I say, "I want to work in retail," or "I want to be an accountant," or "I want to marry an ordinary-looking man and buy an ugly house in the suburbs on a huge mortgage and raise fat sulky children"?
where would you like to live? You’re looking for soulful, creative, gorgeous, glamourous. Where would that be? I love Sydney. I would love NYC even more. But that’s because I’m from the Biggest Hickville ever: Adelaide, and anything compared to adelaide has got to be livelier and more exciting or creative. Maybe you need to be in Europe. Rome or Tuscanny or Milan or something?? Who actuallywants to work in retail, or as an accountant, or have an ugly house? haha. Describe your dream job in your dream city. Maybe making a decision about where/what it is, might make it come faster or be more real.
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