Down with speechifying!
So, to continue on the premenstrual theme (grumpy and pissed off with everyone)… Gah, how does one not get annoyed? I thought I was doing pretty well tonight. I’m not fuming mad, but I’m still irritated.
I went to a free "introductory lecture" this evening on face reading. At least, that’s how it was advertised. Unfortunately, the lecturer turned out to be one of those people who considers it his function to enlighten his unlettered listeners with every bit of trite pop wisdom he’s ever bothered to pick up. And, of course, he thoughtfully dumbs it down for his presumedly dim-witted listeners, and graciously entertains them by repeating said trite truisms again and again in ever more patronising displays of demonstrative feigned enthusiasm.
Sadly, in the one hour plus that I managed to listen to him, the gentleman said not a single thing of any substance about face reading. An achievement I find somewhat astonishing, but there you go.
I know I have less patience with speechifying than most people, so I really tried to sit still and wait for the guy to take a break. At least I didn’t sit there thinking I have to sit the whole thing out because all the good stuff might be at the end and I’d miss it if I left. At least I realised he was just enjoying the sound of his own voice – and he was. But after an hour and a half with no break and none in sight, another woman whispered that she was sick and walked out, and I followed her. I hope I didn’t cause much offence. But what can you do?
A minute later, they apparently called a break, because everyone wandered outside. Oh well, at least I got a clear look at this guy’s lecturing style and didn’t sign up for some expensive workshop of his! I guess he’s free to talk the ears off those who will put up with it. Maybe I should take a leaf out of my own book and put up with that sort of thing less. After all, I think I suffer more from staying than the speaker does from my leaving.