I am so hot

I’m really hot.  I’m not even trying to kid you.  It is amazing how hot I am.  Everywhere I go, I’m always the hottest one in the room.  Sometimes it’s a problem.  There’s an unease in the room, a tension, you might say.  When someone is measurably hotter than everyone else, no one feels good. 

But the temperature is supposed to go down tomorrow, so I should be quite a bit cooler. 

Changing the subject, I’m quitting some of my church-y stuff.  I’m on this committee that just allocates money.  That’s all it does.  I’m not energized by that.  I’m also going to quit running the acolytes.  I’ve done my year; let someone else take a turn.  Anyway, it should be one of the parents. 

Oh, let me just tell you about the kids.  I’m going on a trip to Kentucky in July.  2000 high school-age kids from around the country.  We’re going to meet new people, learn new things, play a lot, sing and worship a lot, and we’ll probably be exhausted the whole time.

On Saturday I met the kids that I am going to chaperone for the trip.  They were wicked cool.  One girl is a real butchy queer dyke lesbian.  I love her.  She asked if the place we will be staying has a weight room!  So I am really pumped about this trip.  I always do really well at events like these.  They really pick up my spirits.  I should get more into this in another entry.

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June 14, 2005

haha. so i was reading that and i was like “wow, this guy is conceited.” then i read the next sentence. 🙂

I’m hot, too…but I’m not the hottest one in the room…my dogs are. 😛