Oh The Drama

Wow. Juuuust wow.

This is why I’m not staying in this position long.

All the other teachers apparently don’t like this one because she talks too much and mentions her kids constantly…so they created a drinking game…every time she says child X’s name, we drink.

And I’m sorry…but…it’s funny for a little bit, but it’s also…concerning for me. What if they decide to turn on ME like that. If I talk too little, I’m shunned, if I talk too much I’m also shunned.

Screw this.

It’s high school drama on an adult level. And this is why I will work at freaking Walmart before I spend my life doing this bullshit.

Dear Teachers:

Grow up.

~One of your own.

Yeah, I shouldn’t talk. I do the same stuff, I’m sure. But…ugh. I guess I just can’t stand it at WORK. Actually…I just don’t like socalizing with people that I work with. I never have. Maybe because I’ve never enjoyed any of the jobs I’ve held. I’m sure if I had my DVM I’d be itching to fit in and have everyone like me and I’d be playing all their games…but…high school? I could care less.

Just gotta suck it up until either Tracy moves us, or I can go back to school for my phd or dvm.

And on that note, I shall go knit…which is drama free.

Ok thats a lie. My sock created a lot of drama for me on Monday…but it’s subsided.



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July 23, 2009

It’s hard to find the right balance. Sometimes socializing at work can make people stick their heads up your ass, other times NOT socializing at work can be totally suffocating. My workplace is full of non-socializers and I have to say, it makes me pretty paranoid about what they think of me.

July 23, 2009
July 23, 2009

damn socks.

July 23, 2009

Hmmm, I do not have that at work. Maybe I should create a game…lol! jk!