Making My Way

I’m telling you guys right now, if I see one more Valentines Day commercial I’m going to stab someone.



On that note, I love him. Seriously. The other day I was helping Beth move, and he showed up uninvited and unannounced with pizza and drinks so we wouldn’t go hungry while packing. AMAZING!!!!!!!!!



And this morning, he came by before work, just to give me and kiss.








However, he has some serious flaws. Like…being able to predict everything I do…and knowing exactly what I’m thinking…and all these other irritating little things that make me consider stabbing him on a regular basis.



He makes me laugh. All the time. He makes me smile. He makes me happy.



Did I mention he wants me to move with him where ever his job takes him?



Oh, and F everyone’s I, I’m writing this in MS word right now at school…it’s the only logical way I can update you guys, get work done, and still have some time for myself in the evenings. So…I might be updating more, but still probably won’t be noting a whole lot. I’M SORRY!!!!!!!!!!



So anyway, I’m also learning French right now. I’ve got an hour long drive to and from school every day…so….this constitutes a lot of down time and you can only listen to so many radio station commercials before you get a little homicidal. So. Ipod + podcasts = happy Courtney.



So I can speak a little French. Writing it…is another thing entirely. I would make flash cards and learn the proper spellings of the words but…flash card time is taken up by Physics and Chemistry since I’m taking the Praxis for those subjects next….oh CRAP I need to sign up for that like WOAH. (next month) Anyway. Yeah. So.



*runs for website to check sign up dates*


Ok. Gotta sign up by…Thursday. Got it. Gonna do that tonight.



Ok. Love you kids but I gotta go update my blog then work on lesson plans because my ADVISOR COMES NEXT WEEK AND I AM IN A PANIC!!!!!!!! PANIC I SAY!!!!!!!!!!!






So…um….BF announced his interview for the job in NC is tomorrow…so…there’s a chance he might be mocing to NC by the 21st of this month. Who wants to hold me while I cry and look for houses and a job?


 *runs away*

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February 10, 2009

So..does this mean you would go with him then? Let us know!!! And “F everyone’s I” for some reason that made me laugh!

February 11, 2009

where are there language learning podcasts? I need that for spanish…btw im soo happy for you!!!

February 16, 2009

don’t do it… at least not yet. give him time to settle into the new state. you can always do the long distance thing at first.