Good News, Bad News, Ahead Of The Game

Man, I’m having a DAY. So I thought I’d share…

From the Stomach Front:

Bad news: Got sick last night. It sucks. I don’t know if it was the double dose of zoloft I’m now taking, or just a flare up, or what. But panic also kicked in a little so I ended up at moms. I couldn’t sleep there so I migrated to the couch…and finally passed out around midnight. Woke up at 2am. Finally came back to my apt around 6am.

Good news: I slept from like 8-10. Total of around 4 hours of sleep. Also, I’ve eaten cheerios, applesauce, and gatorade. It’s staying in. And I lost 3lbs since last night. Go IBD/Crohn’s/me.

From the Kitten Front:

Good news: KITTEN USED LITTERBOX YAY!!!!!!!!!!

Bad news: It made my eyes burn and I had to open windows. I think he shat pure evil. You’re welcome for that overshare.

From the Class Schedule Front:

Good news: I’m in grad school.

Bad news: I’m missing what I thought were two classes and am enrolled in one I don’t need. I sent an email to my advisor stating this…then realized I’m a moron and one of the classes I thought I was missing was the one I thought I didn’t need. So I’m still missing one class…AND I made myself look like a retard. Go me.

From the Financial Front:

Good news: I got financial aid through school.

Bad news: I looked at my account summary and appeared to OWE 30 bucks….on top of the TEN THOUSAND my loans paid. Which means I get NO money for my rent, food, gas, everything else I need to live on.

Absurd news: I sent an email to the financial aid office detailing this and asking if I was getting a refund or what the deal was. As soon as I hit send and gmail went back to my inbox…I recieved an email NOT in response to mine…but still from the financial aid office notifying me I was getting a refund and it will cover my rent and crap. Apparently if I’d waited 32 more seconds…I would have gotten the answer to my question and not wasted their time. Now I’m just waiting on the "Hey, you’re an idiot" email back from them in reply to mine.

Yeah. So that’s my day so far. And I’m still in my pj’s.

Kitten pics <—- Thattaway.

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August 20, 2008
August 20, 2008

what a good news/bad news day…anything JUST good? lol.

August 20, 2008

lol at that shat pure evil part.

August 20, 2008

I almost died laughing at the kitten shatting pure evil.

August 21, 2008

“I think he shat pure evil.” Best line. Ever. Well, congratulations on getting into grad school. Your classes might be a mess, but you’re in it. Good Lord? Is that the Internet version of a headshake, because I’ve gotten a lot of those too, lol.

August 22, 2008

kitten!!!! okay i’ll look over there!!<<<< don’t be so hard on yourself **hugs**