Coming Out Of The Closet

Ha. Not really. But I did totally clean my closet.

And apparently my life is so boring I took pictures of this blessed event and am now going to bore you with them.

Before (two angles because the closet is in a hallway…and I can’t get a full shot…)



So then I got THIS much trash out of it…Well, trash and crap I need to put at mom’s.


And I found this little gem….

oh no

Ha ha. Everyone had a good laugh yet?

I don’t even want to hear it.

So here is the end result.



I cannot get that first picture to be right side up. Whatever.


YAY!!! Clean!!!!!!

So…I do have a big announcement to make………after much deliberation and zero response from any local rescues or shelters….I gave up on the cat hunt and went to one of the vet clinics I used to work for. Everyone rememebered me even though it’s been like three years…so I went back to where the kittens were…granted I wanted an older cat…but the shelters wouldn’t return my calls o…

Kim you are SO dead. Go get a towel and clean that up.

Yes I’m telling on you.

I’m telling…yes.



Anyway. So no one would return my calls or emails and I know adopting from a shelter would take like a week or more to get all the paperwork done and convince them I’m a responsible owner….but the clinic would give me a kitten that day.


got it!


Paco wasn’t so sure at first…



The kitten LOVES Paco.

i love you


And is pretty much antisocial to everyone else. He’s pretty scared of me/people. Poor little guy.

who the hell?

So I’m debating names. Paco is short for Apacolypso…which is a Jimmy Buffett song. So we need a Jimmy Buffett cat name that is for a boy and goes with Paco. Top pics are Fin, Tiki, and Volcano. Fin is winning so far. I’m open to suggestions/thoughts though.

So yeah. I GOTS A KITTEN!!! 🙂

More like Paco got a kitten. I got a source of amusement for Paco that may or may not warm up to me.

We shall see…

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August 19, 2008

hehe. found you on main page. cute entry! YAY for cleaning closets! and lovely kitties! Awww!

August 19, 2008

LMAO! The cheerleading pic is priceless!!!!

August 19, 2008

I vote for the name “Tiki”! He’s adorable 🙂 PS – Paco has a collar? How do you get him to stop messing with it? My kitty won’t wear a collar 🙁

August 19, 2008

I like the name Paco…and the cats match! I adopted an older cat, she was 6, she is now 10.

August 19, 2008


August 19, 2008


August 19, 2008

RYN: Thanks for the information. I found different information on the Web too. He started texting me today about us hanging out and I flat-out asked him about the tattoos. He says the tear is for his brother who was shot and killed two years ago. So, I guess he isn’t a killer. I’m going to run a background check on him tomorrow at work.

Definitly Fin!!! My girl is a jimmy buffett fanatic. She says Fin! LOL. Them are the cutest pics. Your closet looks like my girlfriends (before you cleaned it).

August 19, 2008

that kitten is adorable, i like fin too

August 19, 2008

I’m sure he’ll warm up to you after awhile, sometimes it takes awhile lol. But what a cutie!!

August 19, 2008

Oh goodness, so cute!

August 19, 2008

how cutee the kitties!!

August 20, 2008


August 20, 2008

I vote for Fin! 🙂

August 20, 2008

I loooove mister Jimmy Buffett. I need to clean out my closet desperately…maybe this will motivate me.

August 20, 2008

cheerleader?!?! never EVER would’ve guessed that one!!! and i think you should definitely go for “Fin” yep. he looks like a fin! =] ♥

August 22, 2008

awwww!!!!! i’m not sure if i’m awwwwing at the kitten or your cheerleading picture or both, lol! yay for clean clostes! =P