What’s That? More Pictures?!?!

Well since I have nothing better to do with my time……

Two new pairs of shoes


Madden’s, school worthy. They are dark brown.


And Franco something…they were too cute to walk away from. Tan and dark brown.

The good news is that I organized my shoe collection and even WITH the two new additions…IT ALL FITS!!!! Even Paco fits in my closet now…

le shoes

However if I buy even one more pair…my closet will collapse.

Also, it should be noted *Kristen, Laura, anyone else that hasn’t seen it* the pictures on The Collection, I Have No Life and The Accident have all been fixed.

Thanks, Photobucket. 🙂



*does happy dance and runs away*

*runs back*

Here’s Shiloh, my running buddy. He also just got a friend, Tessa, pics of her soon.




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August 17, 2008

shilohs beautiful!!

August 17, 2008

Yeah, Shiloh’s awesome! That’s one packed closet. Wow.

August 17, 2008

you have a huuuuuge closet!!

August 17, 2008

I wear the same shoes over and over again. I am no fun.

August 17, 2008

Shiloh’s cute! I love dobermans!!

August 17, 2008

lol i wish my closet looked like that and not in a million years will it ever look like that, its more of a congestive closet really, wished it looked like yours lol. sighs.. dont have the time to get in there and dig stuff out though, even though it really needs it lol.

August 17, 2008

You love shoes too?? We must be long lost best friends or something. 🙂

August 18, 2008

Shiloh is f-ing beautiful!!! Sup with that purple n gold? 😉

August 18, 2008

ryn: Because the others are all private until I feel like picking through and setting them to FO.

August 18, 2008

RYN: Thanks for the book recommendation – I heart books as well. I will put it on my TBR list. 🙂

August 18, 2008

I’m so jealous of your closet. I don’t even have a closet! The tan and dark brown shoes are awesome!

August 18, 2008

r- I hate you!! can I move in???

August 18, 2008

Cuuute shoes!! Shiloh is gorgeous! I’ve convinced Mike to let me get a dog the minute he gets back from Iraq. I miss furry puppy cuddles!

August 18, 2008

*RYN* No worries, that’s not oversharing, it’s just life 🙂 I remember when I first started having panic attacks and was diagnosed, I felt like NO ONE else out there could possibly understand. I felt really alone. I remember my mom saying “Why can’t you just take a deep breath and calm down?”. I was like, You think I wouldn’t like to be able to just do that if I could?? It irks me when Isee/hear people say something like “I had a panic attack about…” and it’s something trivial. People misuse the term “panic attack” and think it applies to stuff like not being able to find your homework or something. Makes me mad. If they knew what a REAL panic attack was they probably wouldn’t throw the term around so loosely.

Awwww….. The dogs are soooo cute.

August 19, 2008

OH MY GOSH – you met John Bingham???? I’m super jealous!! Thanks for the blog link! 🙂

August 19, 2008

Also, my real desire is to run a Rock ‘N Roll marathon. Sheesh, we *must* be soul sisters or something. Ha! Great time, by the way!!