Hi, OCD Much?

Let me just say thank GOD for Zoloft…otherwise I’d be in TOTAL meltdown mode.

So today I have………..

Pet sat 2 dogs, 3 cats, 4 fish, 4 ducks, 4 geese, and 4 chickens. Twice.
Taken another dog on a 2 mile walk
Went to the grocery store. Twice.
Did laundry
Did the dishes
Cleaned the litter boxes
Taken out the trash
Changed the sheets on my bed
Written a paper
Made a power point
Worked on my final project (Which is now approaching 200 pages)
Cleaned the rest of my house
Cleaned the fridge
Gone to the bank
Paid my rent
Met with my nutritionist
Brought Beth a drink when she was thirsty
And….about 50303 other things I’m forgetting.

Seriously, we WONDER why I have stress issues?

So Stephen’s sister was supposed to stop by for dinner on her way from Kentucky to North Carolina. She worked all summer in Kentucky and is going home to NC so….we’re on her way.

But….she’s been stuck in traffic NOT MOVING for 4 hours. 4. Hours.

So at this point….she’s 2.5 hours from me and 5 hours from home in NC.

So IF she ever gets moving, she’s coming to spend the night here.

Hence the OCD cleaning and 2 trips to the grocery store…that southern girl gene attacked me and I had to make sure I had cream cheese, apples, and bananas so Stephen’s sister can have a selection of toast, bagles, eggs, yogurt, granola, cereal, fruit, or whatever her littler heart desires for breakfast in the morning. If someone comes within 40 feet of my front door I must be able to feed them. And the house must also be spotless, but at the same time appear effortless…because we want the company to think this is how things look all the time and we’re perfect and lovely and all that stuff.

Seriously. That’s how my crazy mind works.



Do you realize I havn’t slept in in….over a month and a half because of school or pet sitting?

Pet sitting ends Monday.

My phone is being turned off, every noise-making device is being unplugged, and I’m not moving until Tuesday.

So….on that note….here’s what my day looks like tomorrow…incase you aren’t already exhausted.

7:00am – Pet Sit
9:30am – Dr’s Appointment
11:00am – Personal Trainer
12:00pm – Shower
1:00pm – Class/Presentation
3:00pm – Turn in final project
4:00pm – Therapy (thank you JESUS)
6:00pm – Pay Bills
7:00pm – Pet Sit Again
8:00pm – C.R.A.S.H

It’s no wonder I forget to eat….I don’t have TIME.

Speaking of time, gotta go check the laundry.


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August 5, 2008

holy crap we are a lot alike! i was reading that sentence about wanting it to be spotless but effortless. that is EXACTLY what i think when i clean my house! lol oh dang, i thought i was the only one! haha you are great, and you deserve to sleep and not have to be bothered for the next few days!!! =]

August 5, 2008

Four hours? Wow. I would die. Don’t forget to breathe sometime, too… lol

August 5, 2008

my cat is peeing…and I just cleaned it. brat. 🙂 I am going to drop by your pad one day and see how you really live…haha. 🙂 If you still lived in the first apt, first floor, first left then I would 😉

August 5, 2008

im with you on the house cleaning! what in the hell are you writing about for 200 pages?

August 5, 2008

I think my cat waits till I clean it to do her business. I think it’s time to toilet train her lol.

August 6, 2008

People who don’t take some time for themselves get old before their time. Slow down and enjoy what is in front of you. I’m quite sure that your friend is stopping in to see you and not perform an inspection of your house.

August 8, 2008

“Pet sat 2 dogs, 3 cats, 4 fish, 4 ducks, 4 geese, and 4 chickens. Twice.” E-I-E-I-O, and on his farm he had a goat…That’s all I could think of when I read that. And after I read the list of what you’d done for the day I thought, “And saved the world.” Seriously, no wonder you’re stressed.