Houston, We Need Better Packaging

And it’s now  time for another installment of Courtney Is A Moron.

I had some extra-special moments this weekend…

Ya know how Bath and Body Works has like a gazillion different things that all come in very similar bottles? Yeah. So…I have a stockpile of B&B Works stuff from sales residing in my closet…so every day I just grab a random bottle of what is presumably lotion…and slather up.

Yeah. So I grabbed a bottle of my favorite smell. Put some on….and later noticed I was quite sticky.

I put shower gel on as lotion.

Because it’s the same color (white) and consistancy as this particular smell. So yeah. I felt like a winner. It took me awhile to realize that’s what I’d done.

So…Bath and Body needs to work on their packaging to prevent dumbasses like me for doing things like that.

But it gets better.

Bought some stuff at walmart, shampoo, draino, other liquids, just 3 bottles, put them all in the same bag…ran errands….got home to unpack all my purchases (including a killer new pair of light pink/rose snakeskin opentoe heels that I have NOTHING to wear with but DAMN they are cute) and discovered that SOMETHING in the walmart bag had leaked.

And while sniffing the various bottles to determine what the mystery liquid was…I smacked myself on the lip with a bottle…ie got the liquid on my mouth.

And it was drain-o.

Now let me ask you this, why in the HELL isn’t draino more effeciantly packaged??? I GET Bath and Body not investing…but DRAINO??? What if that had leaked on my FOOD??? Furthermore my main issue is that I bought the Drain-o foaming pipe crap…where it’s the two different liquids that aren’t supposed to touch till you pour them out of the bottle and then they eat everything in sight.


All it has is a child safety cap like you’d find on asprin.


Is a plastic tab sealing it like salad dressing too much to ask?!?!!?

I mean really. I had Drain-o on my mouth. THIS SHOULD NOT BE A POSSIBLE MISTAKE!!!!!!!!!!


Hour and twenty nine minutes left of class…


I’ve been super happy today. Like really happy. Back to like 9 months ago happy. I’m still not sleeping super good….or even through the night…..but….I feel better.

Today at least.

Well, going to go wander OD because it’s less noticable that I’m goofing off than sitting here typing when she’s not actually giving us anything to go over.




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July 21, 2008

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! YOU TASTED DRAINO?!?! Wow. That’s hilarious… I also find it disturbing that it leaked so easily. What if it somehow got into your shampoo???? LOL I’m so glad I don’t bother with lotions or any of that stuff. I know some people have dry skin and might need it, but to me it just seems like this huge hassle.

July 21, 2008

Yikes, Drano must not taste very good…

July 21, 2008

That is disturbing that dhe drano leaked!!

July 21, 2008

Freaky about the Drain-O!

July 21, 2008

This…was amusing.

July 21, 2008

LMAO Oh Courtney.. I love you 🙂

July 21, 2008

Yeah, I would have freaked out getting Drano on my mouth. That’s such toxic stuff! It EATS through all kinds of nasty stuff. I agree. The packaging should be much more protective from leaking! Glad you are okay.

July 21, 2008

Oh God I’ve accidentally made the mistake between body wash and lotion. At least you’ve never washed your hair with body wash. Now that’s a pain to wash out.

July 22, 2008

Oh my gosh. How was the drain-o? Probably not that tastey haha. What if somehow a child had been playing with the bottle? Not that any parent would give their kid a drain-o bottle as a toy, but still, those things have child safety features for something. It is funny about the bath and body works thing, though. A friend of mine put spray-on deodorant in her hair at prom thinking it was hairspray, so I guess she knows what you’re talking about!

July 23, 2008

LOL, this entry cracked me up. Draino??? Oh that’s terrible and yet I can’t stop laughing.