The Trials And Tribulations Of Table Tennis

Sorry, that title has no relavance whatsoever. I’m watching The Office. There was ping-pong…I don’t know.

It’s been another fast-paced day. Only 2 pet sitting places today, accepted another pet job for July…3 places tomorrow….wedding Saturday

Stephen apparently thinks the wedding will be "a fun vacation"….um…what part of stuffing yourself in to a dress and sitting in a room full of strangers for 4 hours says "fun" to you?


I spent way too much at Victoria’s Secret today. And…given the economic situation I really should not have done that…student loans make you too comfortable.

Reality will hit eventually….and it won’t be pretty.

But for now, let’s be positive, shall we???

1. I accomplished a lot of my goals today

2. I was nice to Stephen today.

3. I am good at knitting


Oh yeah, I forgot. IT WAS PERSONAL TRAINER DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was awesome. She handed my ass to me. On a platter. Seriously. We did the cross country course. It was brutal. Then we went in the gym and did some core workouts. I think we did about 3 miles. It hurt. Hurt like woah. But it was awesome.

5. I wrap very pretty wedding presents

6. I smile a lot

7. I am improving my spelling skills

8. I bathed my cat without injry to either party

9. I am friendly

10. I tip well for good service at a restaurant.


Aight. gotta feed the kitty and….oh crap, Laundry.



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June 19, 2008

I think #8 is quite an accomplishment… although I suppose it depends upon the cat, and owner, involved. I know bathing my cat involves a lot of loud, painful-sounding meowing… like I’m stabbing him to death instead of giving him a bath.

June 19, 2008

right after you said you were improving your spelling you spelled injury wrong…hehe.

June 20, 2008

It’s 4am and I feel the need to tell you how AWESOME my night was!!!!!! COmpletely sober, too. WE NEED TO TALK!!!! 🙂

June 20, 2008
June 20, 2008

We’ve bathed my cat like twice in his life. Don’t want to do it ever again, and I think he would agree with us. If you can make a cat swallow a pill, that would also be something to list. Dogs’ll eat anything you can hide inside a hotdog, but cats are not so easily fooled…

June 20, 2008

There’s something about number two that made gave me side-splitting laughter.

June 20, 2008

I watched that same Office last night! I’ve tried bathing my cat…in the end the bathroom was more wet than she was. She’s fat, but boy can she move fast!

June 20, 2008

Hope you have a fantastic weekend!! And number 2 made me burst out laughing…*giggles again*