It’s A Black Tie Affair

Yeah. So the wedding Stephen and I are going to this weekend is black tie.

And I was just alerted last night.

So I spent all morning finding him a tux.

Here’s what I did today:

7am – Out of bed due to insane yapping dog downstairs

8am – Breakfast, begin writing paper. Do dishes, feed cat.

9am – Look for tux rental places. Find couple’s wedding website, thank God and Jesus for facebook. Print directions to wedding (4 hours away) and directions to reception (45 minutes from wedding), print directions from reception to Stephen’s parents. Find registries. (Stephen wanted to get the groom a slinkey and a gun….)

10am – Still haven’t finished paper. Tux rental place (the only one for 30 miles) isn’t answering phone. Call aunt for interview, call teacher for interview followup questions. Call testing site because my grad school testing registration got messed up. (I have to take a test to be a teacher…so…yeah). Testing place leaves me on hold for 20 minutes. Finally give up to get in shower.

11am – Shower. Get dressed. Pack everything I’ll need for the next 10 hours. Pack lunch. Shove cheese and turkey in my face. Go to tux place. Pick out tux for stephen and all he has to do is get there by 6pm to get measured so they can overnight the order and have the tux back here by Friday night. Argue with Stephen.

12pm – Drive to pet sitting house. Pet sit dog, fill up pond. (Don’t ask) Water plants. Drive to Aunt’s house to interview cousin for a paper I have to write. Do interview. Drive to mom’s house to pet sit. Collect old prom/homecoming dresses including the one I’ve bought and never worn so I can decide if I can wear any of those to the wedding.

1:00pm – Back to other pet sitting house to turn off hose that’s filling pond. Drive to town to look for dresses. Not sure old ones still fit. Try on dresses at one store. Find nothing.

2:00pm – Drive to mall. Go through 4 stores. Find 2 possible dresses. Can’t decide. Put everything on hold. Have accident at Victoria’s Sercet sale. Needed strapless bra. Now have many.

3:00pm – Work. Lots of work. Try to write paper. Answering phone a lot. Try to read for test. Unsuccessful.

4:00pm – Phone shuts up. Finish and submit paper. NO IDEA if it’s any good. Write pet-sitting note to client. Call tux place and make arrangements for Stephen to see PINK SAMPLES because he has decided he doesn’t liiiiiiiiiiike the silver I picked out and wants pink. So….I now have to re-think the dress because he wants PINK. He wants a pink vest. We have 3 days. And he’s being picky. And I’m getting yelled at for…I don’t even know what.

5:00pm – Peel out of the parking lot at work. Beg Doug to come view my dress options. Go to 5th? dress store. NO GOOD PINK DRESSES. Convince stephen to suck it up and go with the silver vest and tie. Praise Jesus. Get back to mall to meet doug. Show doug 8? different dresses. Finally decide on dress I already have that does (thank God) fit.

6:00pm – Pet sit yet another house. (Counting yet?) Leave pet sitting note since owner comes home tomorrow. Clean house. Water plants. Realize I left my VS stuff AT WORK where there is a DOG and MICE. Speed back to work.

7:00pm – Pet sitting INTERVIEW. Missed turn, almost died. Went over stuff….for an HOUR AND A HALF. 4 horses, 2 dogs, 4 cats. Beautiful horses.

8:30pm – Realize I haven’t eaten in…???? Drag myself home. Still fighting with Stephen about the tux and the slinkey. Apparently the gun was a joke. He didn’t bother to mention that. I’m pissed because he only said "thanks" like once and whined every time I needed something. Seriously? I’d like a real "thank you". I’d like him to actually comprehend what I’ve done today.

9:00pm – Mid-dinner nuking I realize I didn’t call ANOTHER pet sitting client back. Called. Talked. Watched dinner get cold. Re nuked. Ate. Called Stephen’s mother to make arrangements for staying with her and stop in in the morning so I can change there instead of riding 4 hours in a dress I’ll only have to ride 2 hours.

And we’re here. And I have to be at my personal trainer at 8am. And I have to pet sit before that.

Is anyone else tired?

So….we’ll see what positivity I can muster.

1. I can pull outfits together for a black-tie event in under 24 hours

2. I can find wedding information without actually having to contact and bother the bride or groom

3. I am trustworthy

4. I go out of my way to help people

5. I curse less than I used to.

6. I look good in black

7. I can find a good bargin

8. I am responsible

9. I am energetic.

10. I am good with mapquest.


Right then. I’m going to go…breathe.

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June 18, 2008

wow im exhausted!

June 18, 2008

1. I’m spent too. 2. I ate steak tonight after not eating meat because of sickness. Not such a good idea. Bad stomach ache. 3. Knee pain so bad I have felt like barfing. 4. I HAVE A DATE TOMORROW! Like, a real date! I will update you more tomorrow. 5. Sorry I couldn’t talk today. Between meetings and fighting with kids, I was close to death’s door. 🙂 🙂 🙂

June 18, 2008

my head is spinning…

June 19, 2008

I love your list! And yes, I am tired reading all that you have had to do! Yes, breathe! (((Hugs)))

June 19, 2008

A slinky and a gun? It makes you wonder what goes through guys’ heads sometimes…

June 19, 2008

Stephen wanted a pink vest? O…k…. lol Wow, you pet sit A LOT. Amazing. How can you keep track of your various responsibilities at each house? I’m assuming none of them revolve around weird eating habits, like “Precious only eats canned foot mixed in with macaroni and cheese, cooked at 150 degrees… 1 degree off, and she won’t eat it.” Okay, that’s a stupid example, but you know what I mean.

June 19, 2008
June 19, 2008

Your list made me exhausted.