Busy Bee


So I’m still busy.

School is still busy.

However work is getting ready to come to a screeching halt.

Or at least a half-halt.

I’m now down to 20 hours a week. Tomorrow I don’t come in until 2. Off all day Wednesday, and then I go in at 2 on Friday.

Freakin sweet.

So anyway. Didn’t do the 5K. There were a lot of reasons and signs that all screamed "DO NOT DO THIS" so I listened. For one, I had/have a HUGE blister on my heel that hurts every time I take a step…even WITHOUT shoes it hurts… second when I opened my door to leave for the race at 8:30am it was 95 degrees and 100% humidity. The race didn’t start for a whole HOUR…I seriously couldn’t comprehend running in THAT heat. It’s not even SUMMER YET!!!! Furthermore, I have a 5K THIS Saturday that is way more important because all my friends will be there…so why max myself out in the heat and possibly make myself too exhausted to run the 5K I REALLY want to do.

So yeah. Good decision there. It’s starting to cool off this week so I’m pleased.

PS…Saturday it got up to 101. Seriously…glad I didn’t run.

Also, I’m quitting my Chiropractor. He’s just too weird. He tries to sell me stuff and he’s in to Scientology and is just….not in line with my beliefs/thinking. He tries to be MORE than a chiropractor. Multiple times I’ve said "Yeah…I have a therapist but thanks"

I mean…he is SO not supposed to be concerned with my mental state of being.

So I’m done with that. I might go see this guy my friend is going to. She’s always SO happy when she leaves and says it feels good…and I have never ONCE felt better after leaving there. I always dread it so…yeah. I’m done.

Also, I have an appointment with a nutritionist on Friday (WHOOOO) and then I’m setting up my appointment with my PERSONAL TRAINER this week!!!!!!!!!

PERSONAL TRAINER, YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So excited.

And so cheap since it’s through campus.

My therapist (who is a therapist and doesn’t try to be anything else) helped me set it up since she’s on campus and refers a lot of people to the nutritionst anyway. So I’m thrilled.

I get a personal traaaaaaaaaainer. WHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

So excited.

So need to be doing work.

MISS YOU. Will note soon. So sorry. 🙁

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June 9, 2008

Giving up on the run with a huge blister – totally understandable! And picturing the Scientologist chiropracter made me giggle for some reason.

June 9, 2008

i am miserable in this heat and I don’t even have to be outside too much. blah.

June 9, 2008

5K? I wouldn’t run if a serial were chasing me. You’re too ambitious.

June 9, 2008

ryn: You can’t make that stuff up. They were real. That stuff happened to me at the ER. I had to catalog every detail because they need to be made into a book one day.

June 9, 2008

personal trainer? awesome! that sounds pretty cool.

June 9, 2008

Blisters like that make me cringe! Sounds like a good idea to skip it. It was close to 105 down here, and I got to spend all day working out in it! Ick! I’m hoping it’ll cool off soon.

June 9, 2008

definitely made some good calls there—hope the new chiro works out

June 9, 2008

RYN: AWESOMENESS. I’ve put this goal for myself several times, so I hesitate to say “yes I’ll do it” with any level of certainty. I really hate that, but yeah it’s where I’m at. I really need to lose a bunch of weight before I do it because my joints can’t handle running with all this additional weight pounding down. But yeah, tell me your secrets and I’ll do as much as I can in the meantimeto slowly get my body prepared.

June 9, 2008

I don’t blame you at all there! It’s so hot this summer, I really can’t understand it. And the humidity! And here we have a cicada infestation that adds to the misery out of doors…

June 9, 2008

I wish my school had a nutritionist like that. It is hot out!