Loooooooooosing It

As a result of being pissed at work yesterday….and due to the fact that I seriously may not be able to complete grad school right now, thank’s so much financial aid and crap….

I have lost my everlovin mind….and decided….*gulp* to apply to the local public schools….as a high school teacher.

*Looks for VaGirl to smack some sense into her*

See, I have that degree in Bio, and a few education classes under my belt….and I need a backup. I can’t work HERE and support myself if I’m not in school/getting aid.

So….mom  and my aunt are teachers and I was talking to them at my cousin’s birthday party last night….and apparently around here the schools are so starved for teachers…..they will take you without an education degree….and they’ll let you take night classes….to maybe get something like a degree?

And then there’s the praxis…but if I do my masters through my current program I get a teaching certificate and can SKIP the praxis *waits for VaGirl to finish hating me* because I got high enough on my SAT’s….

So I don’t know.

But I think I’m at least going to apply….and call it temporary insanity.

Seriously, teaching, especially high school, is one of the top things on the list of jobs I never want to have….number one is working at a fast food place, (no offense, Jen). So yeah. This is like my least favorite job ever….but….it pays decent (Actually it pays almost triple what I’m making now…which currently pays double what I was making a year ago….AND putting myself through school…anyone want to marvel at that?)


Think I’ll apply.

Think I’ll need a big, big drink….every day….to deal with it though.


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April 30, 2008

Wow. I applaud you for your…insanity lol. I think teaching high school kids something I’d never want to do either. But, it’s just a means to an end right? Is that the right phrase for this? It pays well, so it will give you money to be able to eventually finish grad school.

April 30, 2008

Sorry you may get stuck in a high school teaching job. OK we’re not talkin inner-city schools here, right?? Cuz that would be even worse.

April 30, 2008

You’re one brave girl to be teaching high school. I give you a massive amount of props. And a LOT of hypothetical alcohol to deal with it. But, the money may make it worth it.

April 30, 2008

I can’t teach high school! never. I subbed once and I never went back. They were asking me for rides home and stuff and they are mean! 🙂 But I am sure its a rewarding and wonderful experience…but I prefer the younger kids, and even now I wish I had an inheretance (Sp?) and could retire young.

April 30, 2008

Hey, ya gotta do whatcha gotta do. It will suck, but think about how much more $ you’ll be making and actually supporting yourself. i’m not helping, am i? well i tried!! =]

April 30, 2008

I think I’d go crazy teaching high school, but hey… if it’s extra money, I’d say do it. What kind of subjects would it be? I would advise against doing any “normal” classes (like math, english, history) and just concentrate on what you enjoy learning yourself… like agriculture, veterinary medicine, etc. so that maybe you might *gulp* have some fun with it? Plus you’d be with students who…

April 30, 2008

(cont) actually (might) be taking ag science, etc., because they enjoy it/want to go into a related field, so they might be easier to deal with. Let us know what happens! 🙂

April 30, 2008

If it’ll pay for you to get through school then do it…but don’t take your frustrations out on the kids (as easy as that can be.) I’ve had many a teachers that HATED being a teacher and when that happens it makes the kids hate the subject.

April 30, 2008

Just because you apply doesn’t mean you HAVE to work there…it’s just a little security. Stupid financial aid bs. I hate it.

April 30, 2008

🙁 i wish we could’ve talked earlier but you will definitely hear about my afternoon of wanting to kill the client. i think you’re being brave! and i think you’d be good at it…even though it’s something that you might not want to do, you can always move on after you finish grad school. just a temp job for now.