Blissful Normalcy **E**

Or at least for the next twenty minutes before my stomach figures out I’m experimenting with real food.

I can’t help it. Sick people food SUCKS. Gatorade sucks.

Anyway. Moving on to anti-normal now. I had the WEIRDEST dream last night. I mean reeeeeeeally odd.

So I was in high school…talk about nightmare right freaking there. And I’m not sure what had happened…or exactly where in the school I was…maybe a bathroom or locker room?(PS, touch of background here, I had a SMALL high school, graduating class was right at 100. We all knew each other and most of us had went to pre-school together.)

So I was somewhere in the high school and my friend Nick was there. I’ve known Nick since pre-school and he’s super nice. We’re not really that close or anything but he’s always polite, very, VERY intelligent, I think he ended up at a really good college but anyway. So I’m standing there, apparently I’d just gotten done cheering (Yes, I was actually a cheerleader senior year.) for some game.

*Waits for laughter to end*

Anyway. So I’m there, in my cheerleading uniform but slightly dishevled for some reason and my hair is kind of in my face, and Nick is there, and Candace, who I was not really friends with at all (Preppy, pretty, dad’s a lawyer and she wasn’t a cheerleader in real life but was in my dream) is there too. And Nick looks at me and says "You know, you’re one of the ugliest people I’ve ever seen in my life. I just really thought you should know that. You’re really ugly." And he says it like he’s….sorry for me being so ugly.

I just stood there and didn’t cry or anything and I think I may have thanked him and tried to explain that my apperance was because I’d just come from horseback riding lessons and I had gotten dirty then called in to cheer at the game or something bizarre like that…but…in my dream I guess that’s what happened.

But then I told Candance after Nick left what a nice person she was and how much I liked her. Like that meant I wasn’t ugly or she wouldn’t tell people what he’d said…

And then it was over.

I have NO idea where that came from. I haven’t talked to Candace since probably before graduation…I’m not even sure she graduated with us…may have transfered…so about 6 years. And Nick…about then too. We have mutual friends and stuff but…we don’t interact even on facebook.

Seriously, the ONLY thing I can think of is Saturday I told my cousin’s boyfriend who has SUPER curly hair (which Nick did too) that he should brush it out and turn it in to a ‘fro because it would look funny, then I added that Nick did that like sophomore year of high school. That is the ONLY time I’ve mentioned or thought about this guy. Freaking weird.

So, anyone want to randomly interpret my dream? I honestly don’t believe dreams mean anything but it’s always fun to see what the internet comes up with.

The jist of the dream was that Nick thought I was hideous.

LOL. It’s just too funny.

Well, off to get something accomplished somewhere.


Ok so we all know I NEVER edit. But this is soooo deserving.

To go along with my dream (totally not planned, didn’t even mention it) my boss just happens to be wearing a t-shirt that says "My drinking problem fixes your ugly problem"

*puts head down*

I don’t know what’s worse, me dreaming I’m hideous, or my boss…wearing that to work.

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April 8, 2008

LOL thats just weird… what did you do before going to bed? lol

April 8, 2008

I hate having dreams about high school!!

April 8, 2008

um…it means you’re weird.

April 8, 2008

weird dream! Hope the real food thing goes well!

April 8, 2008

I have random dreams about people I haven’t seen/mentioned/talked to in YEARS, and I always find it strange. That shirt is funny, though.

April 8, 2008

Oh that is so odd about the shirt.

April 8, 2008


April 8, 2008

Sometimes eating different things give you dreams where you’ve gone horseback riding. *shrug* I wanted to come up with some ridiculous interpretation. But I’m not that clever and will probably come up with something in a week. I’ll get back to you. =)