
So. home was stressful. i felt stressed most of the time. probably not helped by the fact that i couldnt sleep again in my old room. It was so empty. and … well. im not sure. just reminded me of old times i guess.

i was glad to get away and go to Di and Lee’s 80’s party, the photos are qwesome, even though i seem to have been repeatedly molested by some guy in a lot of them. But there is one of me sitting next to the teacher guy… i havent got my photos developed yet. Hope to soon, but i have to finish the film, got about 13 left and want to save them to get photos of people here as i have none of them yet.

Like the old thing where the aborigines thought that photos took a part of your soul, or whatever. well, i guess its true. a part of you captured to be held in someone elses fingertips and stared over, absorbed, analysed.

I like that.

when i got home last night (i just called here home, and not home home.) aka. when i got back here last night i was absolutely determined to get absolutely drunk. i ended up feeling hugely tired and pretty much falling asleep (at least in mind if not body) right there.

I got to thinking of things back home, the situation, and then i got miserable. well. not miserable. more contemplative.

ok. miserable.

but it wasnt all bad. i had some dreams, good analytical dreams, which will keep me busy for a bit.

its not incidental that our mind knows what we want before we consciously decide it.

i have seent hat many times over illustrated. and even read a fascinating book on it, Blink, By Malcolm Gladwell.

Seeing as i picked that book up in a charity shop, untouched and gleaming white, some unwanted present, it turned out to be a major read for me.

but anyway my point is that i struggle to make decisions. i know i do.

but i guess in the part of my mind that really knows, well there, i dont struggle so much.




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November 1, 2005

I struggle with making decisions too, its a ‘symptom’ of my problems. Either I can’t make up my mind on stuff to buy and walk out with nothing OR i buy EVERYTHING because I get paniked and I can’t decide. I have to get Andrew to make up my mind and push me into buying things I want because I just can’t do it on my own *sigh* ugh.. I’ll have to sort that out!

November 1, 2005

I love the last bit. How is it that the mind works that way? Why aren’t we as people so easy, why is everything such an exercise???

November 1, 2005

i’m one of the most indecisive people i know. i wish there was some philosophy that could justify me not making any decisions and living my life purely by chance.

November 1, 2005

I had never heard that thought from the aboriginies, gets you thinking tho..interesting stuff

November 1, 2005

River Phoenix said how a picture can take your soul, I just remembered when I re-read yr entry :), I guess why be a actor if you don’t want your picture taken :S

November 1, 2005

Did you get my letter a few months ago…

November 3, 2005

Hmm, I love being in pictures….great:)

November 10, 2005

hey gemini. Hope you’ve been keeping well, it sounds like you have. I find it hard to make decisions too, that is why I’m not a natural leader. Anyway, I’m glad you’re still writing in OD! Hope uni hasn’t been too stressful, it’s that time of season isn’t it? Take care!