
the alarm. alarm. alarm.

wake. rain. greet the day. rain.

get up. go. move.

focus, concentrate. 7 am.

randomly misplaced molecules


freshly renewed spirits

push feet forward, with purpose.

i stumble, and fall over to-do lists.obligations.responsibilities.obligations.

momentarily i’m disarmed, debilitated.

breathe deep, attempt not to yawn.

i’m almost there.

8 am.


So I started pounding the pavement again, walking, running, gimping. I’m having a hard time finding my groove musically.  Listening to music is essential when working out.  It sets the tone, drives me.  I’m lost in old mixed cds from last year.  Tara burned me a Perfect Circle cd.  While I enjoy the music it doesnt keep me moving.  The other day I was listening to the recording of Pearl Jam at State College…i know some day you’ll have a beautiful life, i know you’ll be a sun, in somebody else’s sky, but whyyyyyyyyy, whyyyyyyyyy, can’t it be mine? Thank god I was alone on the track because I’m sure I was quite a sight singing along with Eddie.  Musical suggestions anyone?


Last week I was numb, dumbfounded even watching the unfolding tragedy that was Katrina.  Simply trying to put yourself in that situationin any way shape or form is so hard to fathom. Tonight while watching CNN they were displaying faces.faces.faces of the missing children, tiny children to teenagers. I couldnt stop crying.


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September 18, 2005

ryn: you can tell everything you want to know about a person just by their answer to the question “whose love is the most important to you?”.

September 18, 2005

I haven’t listened to Pearl Jam in ages!

September 18, 2005

7am should be illegal.

September 19, 2005

What is the saddest to me is that there are tiny kids out there whose parents haven’t come looking for them yet. My first thoughts are, “oh no…no…they must be dead…otherwise wouldn’t they be looking for their little kids?” It’s all so heartbreaking.

September 21, 2005

RYN: Tampa is on the Gulf Coast. I’m on the Atlantic Coast.

September 23, 2005

Big fan of Hondas! Thought about a 2004 accord but couldnt find right color. Hey! How ’bout them Steelers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 and “O” baby!!

September 28, 2005

Thanks for the note… 🙂 I think I will read a few pages here .. I see a few of my favorites in your noters.. have a great night