Tuesday, 29/1/13.

Well, it’s finally happened… I have the dreaded lurgy! Noooo. This is some sort of record for me though, I haven’t been ill for months. Not feeling too bad, just have one of those ridiculously annoying tickly coughs and everything tastes like cardboard. Fun.

I didn’t write yesterday, but all I did was work 1 – 4:45pm then watch TV in the evening. Missed the quiz, wasn’t feeling up to it. 

I’m day off today and my overtime shift for tomorrow got cut (eurgh) so I suppose at least that gives me two days to recover. I went through my wardrobes this morning and got rid of all the clothes I don’t wear or need any more so I’m hoping Sarah will collect them and take them to Banardos for me. Did a load of washing, washed up, etc etc, and that’s about it. 

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