Sunday, 27/1/13.

Hangover from Hell today. Oh jesus. I’ve only just now, at 4pm, managed to achieve being vertical.

So yes, messy night. Just me, Sarah and Christina and far, far too many jaegerbombs. Started in the lattice, then went to Bar Red and then Sam Cooper joined us and he and Christina were all over each other, finally. I was loud and inappropriate as always, and then we left Bar Red when they closed and got a taxi home where I proceeded to throw up three times and stumble into bed. Thank god for our new one-night-out-a-month rule. 

Today (or what’s left of it) is going to be spent trying to make my stomach settle. I’ve had some pasta bake which seems to have helped, and we’re having korma for dinner later. Then it’s Dancing on Ice and the new series of Top Gear!

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