Wednesday, 29/8/12.
I was meant to be doing a 3 – 9pm today but Hilary’s asked me to come in at 1pm instead so I thought I’d do a quick entry now.
I’ve put the sofa and sofa bed up for sale on facebook, but I’m not overly confident they’ll sell. We’ll probably just give them to the British Heart Foundation. Ideally we want them gone by Friday because James has hired a van and he’s going to get Claire’s old one that day.
Had Christina and Sarah over last night, watched The Expendables because they want to go see the second one next week. I’ll probably go again, it was awesome.
That’s it, really.
I’m going to start keeping track of how much I should have earnt (approx) each shift so I can roughly work out if my pay is right each month, so just ignore the figures at the bottom of each entry.
8 hours – £50.