Sunday, 17/6/12.

Yesterday was mental, so I didn’t have time to write. I worked 9 – 6pm and then rushed home to get ready in my fancy dress costume for Sarah’s film character BBQ 😀

I went as the girl from The Ring and apparently the pictures that were taken looked spot-on, so when I get them off various people I’ll post them here. Everyone looked amazing, despite the fact that I hadn’t seen the majority of the films that people were from! We had Wallace and Gromit, Leeloo from Fifth Element, Audrey Hepburn, characters from Back to the Future and The Big Lebowski, Rogue from X-Men and Thorpe was Wolverine. He even made claws with lollipop sticks and duct-tape, hahaha. Dave wore a fucking monkey suit, pft. Much fun was had and many drinks were consumed.

I also managed to somehow pull something in my neck, and I am honestly not exaggerating when I say it’s the most pain I’ve ever felt. It doesn’t feel like a normal twinge, it’s absolute agony. I was sat down and lifted my head normally and just felt this immense pain and since then it’s been practically impossible to move. Last night was horrendous, I barely slept because of the pain 🙁 I’m doped up on paracetemol and I’ve just had a ncie hot shower and rubbed some deep heat into the area but owwww.

I’m looking forward to today despite the pain I’m in because we’ve got our massages at the spa at 2pm and Arbuckles tonight at 8pm, mmm hmmm! My dad should be coming over to get his father’s day card in the next hour or so and we’re going to pop in to see Thorpe’s family later and take a look at what could possibly be our new kitten!

Exciting day. Now I’m just going to try and relax and not think about the fact my neck is killing me.

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