Sunday, 10/6/12.
Thorpe comes home tomorrow, yay! The weather seems to have to have cleared up nicely this weekend for them, thank god.
I didn’t have time to write yesterday because I worked 10 – 7pm (same shift as Friday, but it went so fucking slowly) and then I went out to Bar Red for Christina’s birthday. Only stayed for a couple of hours and didn’t drink because I was tired and not really in the mood, but at least I attempted to be sociable!
Oh, some cunt stole my lunchbox at work! I took a plastic tupperware container to work with my lunch in it on Friday and accidently forgot to take it out of the fridge when I left. No biggie, figured I’d just eat the leftovers for lunch the next day and take it home then. Except, some petty thief had taken it! I searched the fridge and asked the girls in the kitchen but they hadn’t removed anything and I definitely left it in the fridge, inside a carrier bag, so I can only assume some sad bastard decided to nab it. I was so angry I was tempted to write as snarky note on the notice board but knowing my luck it’d get me fired. How pathetic do you have to be though, seriously.
Anyway, today.
The bedroom is 90% finished. I’m disappointed because I wanted it to be completely done for when Thorpe gets home but I just haven’t had the time. I demolished all the work I did on the windowsill for the last two days (>.<) because I wasn’t happy with it, so a bit later I’m going to re-seal and re-grout and then I’ll have to paint over it some time next week. On a plus note, the ceiling is done, apart from a couple of patchy places where the roller kept peeling the basecoat away, urgh. I painted the door and the door frame but will need to do at least a few coats on the window above the door before the old blue paint is completely concealed. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – I hate decorating.
I made cute little heart and star shaped cakes earlier! I’m going to put some buttercream icing on them later, om nom nom.
Roy is coming over later for a lamb roast because mum’s in France, so the lamb is cooking nicely in the slow cooker and the veg is prepared so all I need to do is go pick him up and start cooking it all around 5ish.
Grand prix tonight, 7pm start time thanks to it being on Sky but luckily we have the F1 channel along with Sky Movies thanks to Gareth letting us use his subscription through the Xbox. Muhahaha.