Wednesday, 16/5/12.
Help! I need a chocolate chip cookie recipe that actually works! I’ve followed three different recipes exactly now and all have been complete failures. The last batch were flat as pancakes, ugh. Ideally I’d like soft, chewy cookies so recipe me up, guys!
I haven’t heard back from about the interview as of yet and the woman said it’d be before 5pm, so I think I’ve proabably missed out this time. The thing is, I thought I’d be disappointed if I didn’t get a call and actually, I don’t mind so much. I think after the interview I was less impressed with the job than I should have been.
My hearing is going. It’s been fading out for the last 24 hours and I’m hoping its just attributed to the cold I’ve had, because I’d quite like to not go deaf anytime soon.
Sarah, Jake, Christina and Lisa are all coming over tonight for spag bol and Wii times, so I’ve been busy tidying and preparing dinner. It’s hard, this owning a house malarky!
Here’s what I do, sometimes, just an idea. Smiling here, no joke. Get your favorite choc chip cookie. Place on cookie tin. Top with chocolate or with other favorite toppings. Cook a few minutes. Top with whipped cream . Sounds good to me. Plus no frills baking. Easy cleanup.
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