Wednesday, 25/4/12.
Riveting story of the day!
I had a piece of popcorn stuck in my back tooth since Monday night and it would not budge. I tried flossing and even got my tweezers in there and tried wiggling it free but nope. So I was just writing, not 20 seconds ago, about how annoying it was and what happens? It comes free. I was like, AMAZING. THE GODS OF OD MUST HAVE KNOWN MY SUFFERING.
… This is clearly the most exciting thing that’s going to happen to me today.
Anyway, I’m day off (yessss!) so it’s pretty much a catch-up-with-stuff-I-need-to-do day. I’m going to head to mum’s after this to print some college work out, and then pick Alfie up from school ’cause it’s absolutely pissing it down here and has been for the past week or two. Guess they’re called April showers for a reason.
The wall in the second bedroom was an ultimate fail, so we chipped away the damp paint and this morning I went over the rest of the wall with water and I’ll get in there later to peel the rest of it off. It’s a shame to see all the work I’d done so far go to waste, but it needs doing properly.