
If you haven’t heard of Down and you are/were any kind of Pantera fan, I suggest you check them out. It’s a superband with members of Pantera (and Superjoint obviously), Crowbar, Eyehategod, and Corrosion of Conformity. Saw them on the 9th and they were amazing.

So since the last time I wrote, I went back to work after only being laid off for a week. But I only went back for two weeks and then got unfairly laid off. I had a ladder debaucle and my journeyman thought to say something to his boss which in turn got me laid off. This is my fourth week of being laid off and I am going CRAZY. I am so bored, I have nothing to do. My unemployment hasn’t come through yet and I hate feeling like I am short on money.

School started last Thursday so now I have to drive an extra 160 miles a week with the money I don’t have for gas.

Last Saturday was the clambake for the Union Hall. That was a lot of fun… but it was a long day. I woke up at like 5:30 to be in Springfield for 7:30. Got home at like 4:30, napped for an hour. Woke up, showered, picked up my friend Jay and D, drove to go and see Clutch in Hartford. Ended up dropping Jay off at like 2:30am. I was sooooo tired.

I officially moved out on September 6th. But D and I hang out all the time and actually go and do stuff now. If he keeps up the way he has been I am pretty sure that we will just end up being back together.

I got a phone call last night from Mark, who runs the program from school. He informed me that my name was brought up in front of the NJATC board (the National Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee). They are worried that I have a fear of heights. I explained to Mark that I’m a little nervous about it because I used to work in a bank. When would I have even been monkeying around up on a ladder at perilous heights? I told him that he would have no luck in trying to convince me that there was not one single person who had gone through the program before me that was a little nervous when working on a ladder. So he said that this guy I used to work with at universal (where I worked for two weeks) said that he would meet me at the hall some afternoon and let me do some practice with his ladders and stuff. I told Mark that I would appreciate that because I don’t know how else to overcome this.

So now of course I am having my doubts about the whole thing. But I don’t want to know that I wasted all this time, energy, and money into something that I’m just going to give up on. And the money is SO good. I will never make that much money doing anything. I never went to college. I don’t know how to do anything. I don’t even know how to do what I’m doing now.

I don’t feel like writing any more. I don’t really feel like doing anything anymore. Worst part is, I check this site everyday, once or twice a day, and read everyones entries. I just never feel like noting.

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September 17, 2009

Good luck, God Bless.

September 17, 2009

I didn’t know Down were still touring as, you know, Down. They are awesome though. I hope things get better for you soon.

September 27, 2009

*hug* I hope things are looking up financially for you… And I understand that ladder thing… I don’t do well with heights myself.

i don’t feel like noting either. and other than opetry i don’t feel like writing anything about how my life is going. so i understand. but me misses you.

October 8, 2009

*jumps on your back* HELLO BEAUTIFUL!…still alive i see!

October 9, 2009

RYN: Hurray! I’m even taller now!

November 20, 2009

The time between here and now is longer without you. I feel as though I am free falling and the ground is longer away than I had hoped. My whole soul screams out while I sit still on a crowded bus. Forgive me for missing you. Give me more than a word.. send me your smile for a moment.. i need some sunshine in my life.. I miss you beautiful..

December 6, 2009

I just wanted to say that I hope you’re doing well and that you’ve been missed.