Weekend 1 6/6-6/7

I split this up into two entries cause it was just getting too damn long…

To continue on from where i left off last time… Memorial day (oh man, three weeks ago).

I was going to hang around at the house since I had the day off from work. D also had the day off. So i started the day by cleaning a little and before I knew i was getting text messages from Steve and Nate asking me to come out. So I said fuck it and took a shower and was getting ready to leave. At one point, when i was in the living room and D was playing COD he goes, "Oh I’m going to go to Springfield today." kind of snotily. I said, "Oh yeah?" Matter of factly. He goes, "Yeah, im going to watch a bunch of girls play baseball." And i got pissed off and fired back with "fuck you, D. I only go out and watch them play softball cause i dont want to sit here and watch you do this" and point to the tv. He says, "whatever" or something and I continue with, "You are not going to fucking do this to me while I’m walking out the door. I have given you plenty of opportunites to tell me if something was bothering you and you never have ANYTHING to say. Im not going to listen to it while I’m getting ready to leave." And he says nothing to that so i head out.

I spent the day with Nate… I think that was the day that i took him grocery shopping because his truck was messed up. And unfortunetly, thats all i Can remember because it was three weeks ago.

I was going to bug Nate during the week but i had gotten a call from Mark saying that I needed to drop some paperwork off at the hall. I wasn’t sure if Nate wanted to do something or not and i didnt want to have to drive out there twice obviously, so this texting conversation took place:

Me: So i wasnt going to bug you this weekend but i was wondering if u had planned on wanting to do something? i have to go to springfield but i can plan that around you.
Nate: that’s cool. well i told this guy im working with id go and see his band friday. so if you want to be tortured with me than your one sick and twisted bitch
Me: wheres that at? how are your 5-10s going? Do we want to go to softball on sunday? not really haha. I tried to call steve today havent heard from him since monday.
Nate: um ok my 5 10s suck. its at the meadows in east longmeadow and i havent talked to steve since saturday.
Me: the meadows is a hole lol. Karin and i went there one sunday. You want me to go with you? what do i owe you for that pleasure? ha
Nate: Dishes. they’re getting out of hand 🙂
Me: why am i NOT surprised? Ugh ive had the shittiest week this week.
Me: what time’s the show at babe?
Nate: Oh come on its only bad because you havent seen me yet 🙂 the show starts at 9:30
Me: Listen to you… And you kinda suck cause youre kinda right. Well I might head out your way right after work cause i probably wont get out until 6ish. that ok?
Nate: hey sry passed out last night. ya if ur up 4 it. come out anytime no big deal.
Me: I assumed did. Sounds good ill text u when im on my way. Get to work! and lemme know if you hear from steve today.

So i was all kinda of excited thinking we were going out Friday night… but those plans got canceled at the last second. He had prior commitments that he had forgotten about. So i was totally bummed and went home and slept on the couch.

I had slept with my phone in my shirt that night (which i often do) and at some ungodly hour it was vibrating. D was still awake but he soon went upstairs to bed. I looked at the time and the texts: 2:30 AM from Nate. He was drunk texting me, haha. He says, "i just got home, my dishes arent done, my floor isn’t mopped, i just want a bj and you aren’t here." I sent him back an ‘lol… well that’s your fault, you ditched me.’ We bantered back and forth a little and he was trying to get me to go out to the house right then and there. I told him I wouldnt be able to… so he told me he was leaving his doors unlocked and to come and wake him up in the morning. At 9. I said i could probably do 10 and he said okay.

I ended up not getting to his house until 11:30. I texted him when i was leaving town and said, ‘sorry babe, running late. i’ll grab you a coffee.’ he texted me back when i pulled in his drive way, haha. I didnt read it, i just went inside and he was still laying in bed. I put my stuff down and went in and sat on the bed. He said hello or good morning and immeadetly leaned up and kissed me. I ended up laying perpendicular to him with my head on his stomach. He was playing with my hair and rubbing over my shirt and my shoulders. This is the stuff I live for…

We were supposed to hang out with Steve that night but he ditched us. So we went and hung out with matt at his place. I had called Matt on our way over to see if he needed anything and he said he was all set. I asked what they were doing and i thought he said, ‘Cooking meat’ like, BBQing. Then I paused for a second and asked, "Babe, are you drunk?" and he said, "im feeling a little buzzed…" and i laughed and told him we would see him soon. We get there and he and his friend weren’t cooking meat… they were making mead. And they weren’t buzzed they were hammered. They were both SO funny. Nate and I are leaning against the counter and Matt and his friend Nate are cutting up kiwis and mangoes that they boiled. Talking to us, not watching their knives. I thought I was going to be taking someone to the hospital, haha. At one point, Nate and Nate were outside and Matt and I were in the kitchen and he says, "where did you go?" me, just thinking he’s drunk says, "in your room to change the song…" and he said, "no no… you’ve lost weight." and i smiled and said, "yeah about 25 pounds." "good for you" he says and smiles. "Does it feel like it?" and i replied with a "actually, no. not at all." Which is the truth…

We stayed until I couldn’t drink anymore and then headed back to Nate’s. We slept a little later then we wanted and then he had something to go do with his friend so he left. Yes, he left me in the house by myself. He told me to stick around as long as I wanted. But I just ended up taking a shower and then heading to Springfield to drop the papers off at the hall. Then I drove down to East Longmeadow to watch the softball games. I sat in my car for the first one cause I was feeling really dizzy… I couldnt remember the last time I had eaten, thursday or friday. I watched the second game and headed home after that.

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