Hibernation’s End

Cross-posted from my main blog…

Just like waking up from a seasonal hibernation, I’m stepping out from the cave again to grace the world out there known as the blogosphere. To make everything simple and sound less ridiculously dramatic, I’m blogging again.

I’ve deliberately put my blog in a state of inactivity these past couple of months since coming home from the USA. I don’t really know why exactly but maybe because it’s just my way of having my "internet withdrawal." When I was in California a little over 2 months ago, never a day goes by that I didn’t get to go online because I wasn’t really doing anything much there except visit places and take my AMT exam. There were even days when I’ll spend more time on the net than being outside the house. So when I came home in the Philippines I decided that it would be best for me to stay out of the online world for a while or at least be on it every other day or every couple of days or so, instead of everyday. I know I was getting addicted to the internet and I don’t want to let myself fall completely because as I’ve experienced, being one can be quite unhealthy, both physically and mentally. I want to show myself that there is a whole new world out there – the real one. Don’t get me wrong, I do love the internet (which is why I’m staying out of it for a while, ironically); I just don’t want to be idle with being addicted to it because I can be really vulnerable. So my so-called internet withdrawal, or rather "blogging withdrawal" is just my way of taking a breather.Apart from being a blog absentee, I’m still updating my other online stuff as much as I can, such as my Multiply, my Friendster, checking my email and reading other blogs. I’ve also posted about 3 blog entries for the past 2 months, but they’re just survey stuff and meme’s. So it’s not really like I’ve risen from the dead or anything; I’ve been around, just not prolificaly. 

Another reason why I’ve been inactive from the blogging world and a very good way of helping me not become an internet maniac is because our house doesn’t have an internet connection anymore. My parents canceled our DSL subscription when the 3 of us left home last June 2006, them migrating to the US and me staying in Manila for 3 months for my board exam review. I also left the country last November, so internet connection in our house has never been revived, until recently. Now that I’m home again and my parents, who are thousands of miles away, and I talk almost everyday, we decided to have an internet connection at home again.

Anyway, enough of my why-I-haven’t-been-blogging-for-the-past-2-months-and-so explanation! I think I’ve been more motivated to write again, apart from missing the whole blogging thing, because I was informed by my Blog Stats that my blog has been mentioned for the Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs in 2007. Now, how did that happen? A very nice Liz included me in her list.  It’s the last thing in the world that I could have expected. I mean, I don’t even know Liz at all and my blog had been so dead! And back when I was writing, I was really bad at updating and most of what I was writing doesn’t really interest anyone because I was mostly ranting about my not so eventful life, mostly complaining, mostly childish personal stuff, and who the heck really cares about that?! It was weird but a good surprise as well. I also can’t help but feel guilty. Someone included me in her Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs for 2007 and even liked my senseless site name. I felt undeserving because I kind of just abandoned my blog and haven’t really gave it that much effort. One person included me in her list, just one and it’s already enough to sort of wake me up and continue what I’ve loved doing ever since. That’s all it took. It’s already like a month ago when I found out I was in some list since I hadn’t log on to my blog, but better late than never. So thank you, Liz! 🙂 Another big shout out also to the very few people who still visits my blog (and also my blog in Multiply where I cross-post) and never fail to leave comments (most especially to Jireh and Joni ), some I don’t know most personally or even in the internet, so thanks to y’all. 

I’ve been having lots of entries on my mind that I want to write. These coming days, I’ll finally try to get them out of my system and word them. What I’ve been up to lately is also something that will definitely be evident along the lines as I rejuvenate my blog life.

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