ABC for boredom

A is for AGE:
— 21

B is for your fave BAND:
— Lifehouse, The Fray, The Corrs, and lots more. They’re not really my favorites, I just like listening to their music.

C is for Crush:
— secret! hehe

D is for DAD’s name:
— Victor

E is for ESSENTIAL item to bring on an airplane:
— MP3 player?!

F is for FAVORITE song at the moment:
— Nothing in particular for now, though I like listening to sappy love songs because the hiphop/rap/R&B music that’s playing over and over again on the radio stations of LA is killing me!

— Too many to mention 🙂

H is for HOMETOWN:
— Bacolod, the city of smiles =) hehe

I is for INSTRUMENTS you play:
— Piano, but I think I’ve forgotten about 50% of how to play it because it’s been a long time since I’ve played the piano and had my last piano lesson, which I didn’t take that seriously anyway 🙁

J is for JAM or JELLY you like:
— Strawberry

K is for # of KIDS:
— Someday, at least 4. I want to have lots of ’em!

L is for LIVING arrangements:
— Still dependent on my parents. Hoping to be able to work by the end of this year and be on my own.

M is for MOM’s name:
— Marilyn

N is for NAME of your best friend(s):
— Rocelyn

O is for OVERNIGHT hospital stay:
— I forgot the exact date but it was around 2 years ago, and I was admitted for 2 days.

P is for PHOBIA[s]:
— Snakes

Q is for QUOTE you like:
— The heart is a lonely hunter. – Yeah, I know it’s quite dumb or something. hehe I just can’t recall a wisdom-ish quote that I like; Seems that I’m having some kind of a brain fart for now.

R is for RELATIONSHIP that lasted the longest:
— 2 years and 9 months, and still counting. 🙂

S is for SINGER(s) you like most:
— John Mayer, Norah Jones, Jack Johnson, Kelly Clarkson, Jewel…

T is for TIME you woke up today:
— 11:30 AM! And I still would have been sleeping had there been no phone call for me. hehe

U is for UNIQUE trait:
— I had quite a hard time coming up with an answer so I had to ask Flip. He said that he finds it unique (and nice *hehe*) that whenever I talk, there are times that I would suddenly raise my voice or make a surprising gesture out of the blue. It surprises people. *hehe* I don’t know what’s the right adjective for it. Maybe it doesn’t have one, hence it’s unique. 🙂

V is for VEGETABLE you love:
— Potato

W is for WORST habit:
— Procrastinating

X is for X-RAYS you’ve had:
— 2. One for college admission and the other for internship.

Y is for YUMMY food you make:
— Icebox cake. Oh, also instant macaroni & cheese, and instant PANCIT CANTON!!! hehe

Z is for zodiac sign:
— Libra

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