A chat with Blair

 BlairGirlCat [10:11 P.M.]:  Hah! Know aim decides to work for me
The Zopalote [10:11 P.M.]:  is that because you have a whip and you’re crackin it?
BlairGirlCat [10:11 P.M.]: Totally :B
BlairGirlCat [10:12 P.M.]:  How ya doing?
The Zopalote [10:12 P.M.]:  I’m weird
BlairGirlCat [10:12 P.M.]: I already knew that
The Zopalote [10:12 P.M.]:  >.<
The Zopalote [10:12 P.M.]: but I think one of the coolest people I knew on OD might have a fake diary
BlairGirlCat [10:13 P.M.]: DD: Awwwes, that sucks
The Zopalote [10:13 P.M.]:  and that kinda makes me die a little inside
The Zopalote [10:14 P.M.]: because I was honestly considering sending her an honorary invitation to my wedding
BlairGirlCat [10:14 P.M.]: Aww, that is sad
BlairGirlCat [10:16 P.M.]:  I told you I got my GED, yes?
The Zopalote [10:16 P.M.]:  yes indeedy
BlairGirlCat [10:16 P.M.]: ^_^ Kay
The Zopalote [10:16 P.M.]:  Yurok
BlairGirlCat [10:16 P.M.]: M’hm and my Yurok ID
The Zopalote [10:16 P.M.]:  hehe
BlairGirlCat [10:17 P.M.]: Which I shall be using for my college classes in the fall
The Zopalote [10:17 P.M.]:  that sounds cool
BlairGirlCat [10:17 P.M.]: M’hm, I’m pretty sure they cover all of it
BlairGirlCat [10:20 P.M.]:  So, have suggestions for things I should do over the summer? I already was sorta hired to be a cleaner for a family friend in trade for facials
The Zopalote [10:21 P.M.]:  Oh god that scared the fuck out of me.  I thought I was reading an IM from MArtin
BlairGirlCat [10:21 P.M.]:&

nbsp;Lol! XD
BlairGirlCat [10:21 P.M.]:  You never know, he could get facials too
BlairGirlCat [10:21 P.M.]:  They make your face, baby soft
The Zopalote [10:21 P.M.]:  yeah but he’s got a rubbery nose and acne and oily skin >.<
BlairGirlCat [10:21 P.M.]: Baby arse soft, infact!
The Zopalote [10:22 P.M.]:  and I don’t want to think about MArtin gettign a facial
The Zopalote [10:22 P.M.]: especially when it usually makes me think of a cumshot
The Zopalote [10:22 P.M.]: that’s just WRONG
BlairGirlCat [10:22 P.M.]: XD Omg! That is wrong, Gish
BlairGirlCat [10:23 P.M.]:  Oh yeah, Heath’s in Marine boot camp and we’ve broken up
BlairGirlCat [10:23 P.M.]:  So, I’ll be way bored over the summer
The Zopalote [10:23 P.M.]:  D:
The Zopalote [10:23 P.M.]: *hugs*
BlairGirlCat [10:24 P.M.]: Yeah, it’s a sad thing D: *Hugs back*
The Zopalote [10:24 P.M.]:  you broke up with him because he joined the Marines then?
BlairGirlCat [10:24 P.M.]: Nooo, not at all
BlairGirlCat [10:24 P.M.]:  He didn’t know how to behave himself online.
The Zopalote [10:24 P.M.]:  tsk tsk tsk!
The Zopalote [10:24 P.M.]: D:<
BlairGirlCat [10:25 P.M.]: Very! And I actually developed a twitch before falling asleep because of him D:
The Zopalote [10:26 P.M.]:  DX poor teh Blair!
BlairGirlCat [10:26 P.M.]: Yeah and now I think his mom might be calling me occasionally while he’s at bootcamp. … She’s an odd duck
The Zopalote [10:28 P.M.]:  My phone has been giving me a migrane
BlairGirlCat [10:28 P.M.]: Do you use it a lot or something?
<font lang="0" style="background-color: #fefefe" face="Arial" color="#ff0000″ size=”1″ family=”SANSSERIF” ptsize=”8″ back=”#fefefe”>The Zopalote [10:29 P.M.]:  no, first about 2 weeks ago they cancelled my service because they took forever to run my check through that I paid my bill with.  I had to buy FOOD and I didn’t have enough money in my checking account when they ran the check and it bounced
The Zopalote [10:30 P.M.]: they cut my service OFF without warning me or calling me or sending me an e-mail
BlairGirlCat [10:30 P.M.]: Ugh, that sucks majorly!
BlairGirlCat [10:30 P.M.]:  That’s not right at all, did they do something to make it up to you?
The Zopalote [10:30 P.M.]:  then they made all my outgoing calls (even to my voicemail) reroute directly to sprint customer service
BlairGirlCat [10:31 P.M.]: Wowzers and all that… I really hope they at least said sorry
The Zopalote [10:32 P.M.]:  and I had voicemail piling up and my phone had the habit of SHRIEKING LIKE A BANSHEE when you have a voicemail that you haven’t listened to, usually right when you put the phone to your ear to answer it
BlairGirlCat [10:33 P.M.]: Oh gosh. I see why you have headaches now. XD
The Zopalote [10:33 P.M.]:  anyway, once I got money again I paid my Sprint bill AGAIN with my credit card, over the phone, and they took their sweet ass time AGAIN restoring my service
BlairGirlCat [10:34 P.M.]: o_o Find their accountant person and beat him in his sleep
The Zopalote [10:36 P.M.]:  three DAYS later I called them up pissed off and talked to the retard in India and said to him "OK I have a few questions for you.  Is your name Jane Ellison?"
"…… um… no?"
"Is your name Jose Alba?"
"Is your name Jennifer Flemming?"
"Is your name Voicemail?"
"heh… no."
"Then why is it that Every time I call one of these people I get my call rerouted to you?"
BlairGirlCat [10:36 P.M.]: Haha
The Zopalote [10:39 P.M.]:  and after my call he said "Yes yes sir your phone service is already in the process of being restored, please wait 15 to 20 minutes."
The Zopalote [10:40 P.M.]: yeah duh because I had to get on his retarded outsourced case and make him do it himself
BlairGirlCat [10:41 P.M.]: Haha, that was really messed up. You did get it back though?
BlairGirlCat [10:41 P.M.]:  Or did you just change providers?
The Zopalote [10:42 P.M.]:  yeah I got my service back exactly 20 minutes later.
BlairGirlCat [10:42 P.M.]: Awesome
The Zopalote [10:43 P.M.]:  but then the next day my phone breaks.
BlairGirlCat [10:43 P.M.]: <font lang="0" face="Arial" color="#000000" size="2" family=”SANSSERIF” ptsize=”10″>DX Oh geez
The Zopalote [10:43 P.M.]:  -.-
The Zopalote [10:44 P.M.]: and I have to take it to two stores in order to get them to tell me that it’s broken and I need a new one.
BlairGirlCat [10:45 P.M.]: Mom is still waiting for our cell phone people to fix her’s, they should have just replaced it for her since we got it the week before it started messing up
The Zopalote [10:46 P.M.]:  so I have to wait around for like 2 hours for them to tell me that they need to order a replacement phone because they can’t fix mine.
The Zopalote [10:47 P.M.]: and after 2 people insist that a replacement phone will only be $35, they charge my $60
The Zopalote [10:47 P.M.]: and all they can say is "umm yeah… sorry."
BlairGirlCat [10:47 P.M.]: DD: Ugh! Too much
The Zopalote [10:50 P.M.]:  so finally yesterday I got my new phone and after 3 people dicked around trygin to get it to work and they told me that because they can’t get my original phone to turn on that I can’t get ANY of my phone numbers from it
The Zopalote [10:51 P.M.]: so after everyone on the road thursday afternoon tried to kill me with their cars, I got home and had to punch in by hand all the numbers I could getoff of Cait’s phone
BlairGirlCat [10:52 P.M.]: I almost didn’t get the phone numbers off my last phone until I had Heath play around with them both for about an hour. That was majorly sucky though
BlairGirlCat [10:54 P.M.]:  I really like my new phone, I can get all the pictures off of it.
The Zopalote [10:56 P.M.]:  :B
The Zopalote [10:56 P.M.]: anyway now my phone stuff is resolved
BlairGirlCat [10:56 P.M.]: HUrrah! Good stuff
The Zopalote [10:56 P.M.]:  I need to get a few more phone numbers though
The Zopalote [10:56 P.M.]: luckily I’ll see a lot of those peopel soon
BlairGirlCat [10:57 P.M.]: Hope you do, never fun to need to call someone and not have their number
The Zopalote [11:00 P.M.]:  indeed
BlairGirlCat [11:00 P.M.]: I have numbers on my phone that don’t work anymore. XD
The Zopalote [11:14 P.M.]:  hehe so did I
The Zopalote [11:15 P.M.]: but that’s a quick way to clean out my phone
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