Ya dead, mon?

no I ain’t dead.  I know I ought to update more but I never have time, considering all I want to do when I get home is play games.  dude!  Gaia has pinball now.  I’m so addicted.  To the point that I get irritated when Cait distracts me, and I had a dream about this the other night, Cait was trying to show me something and I turned to growl at her.  That woke me up because I had actually turned towards her and said "BRAAAWWLRLLLLRRRR!"  I didn’t just dream it.  Anyway we’ve started planning the wedding.  We’re thinking we’d likea Dia de los Muertos theme.  On April 1st.  For our wedding.  And we’ll have 2 little skeletons dressed up as a bride and groom as cake toppers.  Apparently those are supposed to represent people who died young, but honestly we really like the style.  Those or plastic figures of Joker and Harley Quinn because we’re a lot like them.

Since the 1st is on a Wednesday, we’re thinking of getting our certificate on the 1st, and having the reception and the "re-enactment" of the wedding on Saturday.  I’d like Joey to play our music for us, and I’d like Joe, Robin, Luke, and Leslie as my groomsmen.  They’re really my closest friends.  I think our wedding colors are going to be lavendar, green, black , and white.  It should be pretty easy to find some paper lanterns to go with that color scheme.  Cait has always wanted to wear purple converse and dye her hair to match them for the wedding, so I’m going to roll with that and see what I can come up with. Obviously we’re still working ou thte details, but the biggest decision for me is going to be where we want to go for our honeymoon.  Cait has never seen the ocean, and I’d like to go somewhere on the water.  I was thinking Hawaii because I had so much fun there, but she was suggesting Okinawa.  that would be cool but I’d worry about the cost of that.  Then again, I’ve always wanted to go to Japan.  Miyagi is not a name from Okinawa by the way.  It’s not even Japanese it’s made up.  Karate Kid has LIED to you.

Recording goes well on Phoenix Saga II: The Wrath of Sean.  tonight we practice, and tomorrow we record another late night session.  Mostly gonna be vocals and additional things to spice it up.  I already had Dustin in to record his musical saw part.  That right we rock out the musical saw.  It’s spooky and awesome.  I’ll use his stage name, Turnstyle, on the album.  the saw part is on Liar.  That song is going to be insane.  Oh!  and our artwork is nearing completion!  Jennifer Flemming is again doing our artwork, and she’s making a homage to the Wrath of Kahn cover art, but with our faces, and a flying hamburger shooting down a flaming pig in space.  I’m so excited.  We’re gunning for June 4th (the original release date of the Wrath of Kahn) for our album to come out.

Also, psychiatrists form Austin OCD came in to the shop today.  they were buying moulding hooks.  They thought that having hangers putting holes in the walls would disturb the OCD people so they were going to paint a rail the same color as the wall and hang it from invisible string from the ceiling so as to not disturb the crazy people.  I love Austin.

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April 10, 2008

what amazing sounding wedding plans. I love that you’re talking about it! I didn’t think guys did that. 🙂 I love it.

April 11, 2008

wait, what? you’re getting MARRIED?! holy shit, dude! congratulations! i don’t even understand how i could have missed you talking about this before…or did you ever talk about it? anyway, whatever. this is awesome. i’m seriously so incredibly happy for you. you deserve it.

April 14, 2008

RYN: I love The Lost Boys. I can not wait to see this new one. I’ve heard it’s going straight to dvd. 🙁 That’s okay. I’ll buy it anyways. I just hope it doesn’t suck. Check it out: http://www.mtv.com/overdrive/?id=1583178&vid=215372