Now it’s time to blow this fucker down

I hear ya Jables now it’s time to blow doors down!  So here it is, and I can’t sleep.  It must be the excitement of a life changing moment looming over me.  Tomorrow at 5:25PM  I’m gonna fly up to Michigan for a girl and drive on back to Texas with all her junk crammed into a Cutlass Supreme.  Burrito Supreme.  And a Chicken Supreme.  gonna singonetwothree.  And so begins a chain of events that will move me out of my parents house and fully on my own as strange as that’s going to be.  I’m going to have to start dealing with all these little things normal people have to deal with, and it’s going to make me hate the government more undoubtedly.  Which brings me to another thing I wanted to say.

Some self-righteous home-owners association has gotten their panties in a twist over our delivery trucks being forced to drive out along part of a residential street past 3 houses after they make deliveries to us.  They actually came around with a fucking clipboard taking the names of our freight carriers, they blockaded the road and tried to keep one of the drivers there long enough to find a cop to arrest him, and they’ve had their lawyers call the freight companies and complain AND SUE them for allowing their delivery trucks to operate on a stretch of residential road about 50 yards long.  Which happens to be against the law.  boo fucking hoo.  Now the freight companies say that their drivers aren’t allowed to deliver to us anymore because these assholes are going to sue them.  Where does that leave us?  No shipments means we go out of business.  The trucks can’t turn around because so many idiots park along the street instead of in parking spaces that they reduce the roadway to one lane.  Also our neighbors are pube-snarfers and won’t allow the trucks to turn around in their driveways (even though I’m sure they are the ones parking in the road in the first place) because it’ll ruin the asphalt.  Ohhhh brother.  They can kiss my asphalt.

So we called the City of Austin to make a complaint and have them put up "no parking" signs on that side of the street, because that is the simplest solution to the whole problem.  The trucks only need one side of the road clear to get back out and onto the commercial road, but it never is so they have to duck through the residential area where the retarded parents let their dropout kids play in the road at 1:45PM on a school day apparently, when they should be in school.  They deserve to be crushed like the fleshy meatbags they are.  And can you guess what the City says?  just take a guess.  You probably know the answer.  "Oh we can’t do that for 6 to 10 weeks because we have to conduct a study to see if placing signs at this location would be necessary."  FUCK YOUR STUDY!  Are we supposed to close for 6 to 10 weeks from no freight while they conduct their study, and then magically reopen the next day like nothing happened?  Yeah because that’s realistic.  In Toontown.  PLUS Discover (the credit card company) is trying to scam us with a subsidiary of themselves behind their own backs and without knowing or realizing that they’re intentionally trying to rip us off.  Hypothetically speaking of course.  I’m so ready to stick it to the man.  just give me one little chance.  pleasepleaseplease!  oh and by the way… I’m feeling a lot better.  🙂  To the moon!  I’m out like my bellybutton.

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October 5, 2007

wow. I have an innie… safe journey my friend!

Not just any girl 😉 -Cait

October 8, 2007

you’re an artsy guy. make some no parking signs that look just like the city’s and put them up in the wee hours of the morning. I bet an officer would issue a few tickets just based on the signs being there.