canis chupacabras

So they’ve found a whole den of chupacabras down in Cuero Texas.  For those of you who don’t know what those are, they’re hairless dog-like creatures that drink the blood of goats (their name means "goat sucker") and other small animals.  Mexicans would tell their children not to go out at night because the chupacabras would get them and drink their blood.  Turns out that they’re more than myth.  word of the week:  chupacabra.

Today I went to a family reunion.  lots of people I didn’t know, lots of people who hadn’t seen me since I was shorter than they were (which was a very long time ago).  Still I think it was pretty fun.  My grandapapa came and he asked my mom how she was doing and she said "Working my ass off!"  and he says "Stand up and show me!"  God I love that guy.  My sister Ceilia is here for the weekend too.  I’m gonna take her to the airport on Wednesday.  It’s pretty nice seeing her again, but I’ve mostly been in my room playing computer games.  Still I’ve spent 3 long car rides with her.  I haven’t seen her since August of last year.

My blue hair was a big hit.  it’s really dark indigo blue.  I did that because it’ll probably look black in pictures, but it’s still an interesting color.  I was getting tired of blond.  The shampoo and conditioner they gave me smells SO GOOD.  Last time it smelled like oranges, now it smells like a combo of chocolate, hazelnut coffee, and chai tea.  hooo my god it’s nice. Susan also had firey orange-red hair.  She’s my dad’s cousin’s wife.  There were 2 birthday parties there, one for Grandpapa and it was also my cousin’s husband’s grandmother’s birthday.  I played poker with her at my uncles house a while back.  She’s fun.  anyway.  I’m out like Foehammer.

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September 3, 2007

🙂 blue hair. that is awesome. mine was green many many many many years ago. 😀 and blue. 🙂 it was pink for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I was Tonks. BUT anyways. blue is so my favorite colour. and blah blah blah. 😉