I do so hate not having a computer.

but I do so LOVE my new one.  NERD ON!  I got an AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200 2.20 GHz with 1GB of RAM (I got room for more I just don’t feel like buying it yet) *drooool* PLus I got me a fancy NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS graphics card (only a 320MB RAM cache though.  whatever.), 250 GB hard drive space and a 16X DVD-RW drive.  plus my other DVD drive.  badow.  Naturally I have to re-install everything because my other computer was crapola.  wasn’t even mine.  it was my dad’s.  naturally you can see why I might be frustrated with it.  This puppy I can fully customize to my own specs, and I’ve already plopped XP pro on it and this will ultimately be my netwrok gaming brain computer.  I plan on adding my other hard drives as well in seperate partitions with thier own operating systems (once I get any viruses and crap cleaned off them) to use for storage space, music, and old school games.  I WILL finish Quest for Glory 4 some day.  I WILL get Pools of Radiance to work properly so I can finish it too.  I miss my old games.  Shoot… if it weren’t for obsolesence I’d still be playing them.  Fuck graphics.  give me Larn.  I will be a blinking green cursor that wields and enchanted LANCE and cast cast a spell like ALTER REALITY (which actually just reboots the computer so you have to start the game over, thus "altering reality."  god I love that game.)  I still remember the cheat code too after all these years.  pvnert(x).  not like it’ll help any of you you chumps.  But that’s neither here nor there.
In WAITING FOR THIS INFERNAL DEVICE TO BE READY I spent a lovely week with miss Caitlin.  She stayed over at my house starting 2 Fridays ago.  We certainly didn’t get to do all the things that I wanted for us to be able to do, partly because we did a lot of running around doing nothing because we were waiting for something to happen that never did.  mainly recording.  But in the end we ended up laying down the scratch tracks for Thom Yorke and for Vapor Trails.  All of which Cait got to enjoy.  We did go to the Alamo Drafthouse and to Amy’s ice Cream and Kerby Lane Cafe, and many neato places that you only ever find in Austin.  She even got to meet my extended family at the poker party we had for the 4th of July.  She did come in a work for a few days.  What a trooper.  I did my best to keep her entertained at work.  It was kinda slow because of the holiday I guess, but we needed the help because my Aunt Karen has been out because of sporadic heart failure.  She’s not exactly doing well because her heart randomly decides to stop whenever it damn well wants to and then sometimes it decides it needs to palpitate.  so.. yeah… if she exerts herself she’s going to die like immediately afterwards.  not fun.
On a lighter note, Caitlin and I are moving in together (not in my parents house, in our own apartment!  Sheesh) in early-mid October.  It’ll be right after her birthday so she can have a birthday/going away party.  I don’t blame her.  I’d want to escape small town Michigan too.  My very life would depend on it. I’m gonna fly up that weekend, party, and then drive back down with her.  We went apartment hunting while she was here and found a really groovy place within walking distance of a million places I’d love to be able to walk to again.  I need more of a workout routine anyway.  It’s also right near all the places I listed.  Amy’s Ice Cream, the Alamo Drafthouse, Kerby Lane Cafe, it’s kinda near my comic book shop/the bubble tea place/the asian market.  there’s a huge HEB store right friggin there.  NEXT DOOR TO THE FIRE STATION.  we’ll never ever burn down.  plus it’s really close to my parents house anyway.
I like Cait.  She’s got a lot of ambition, and a shitload of talent that makes it all worthwhile.  She can crochet stuff like a machine with feelings.  Impossibly fast and incredibly high quality.  She’s also super creative.  She came up with this idea to crochet horns or ears for people’s computer screens.  I told her not to forget the tails.  She’s going to crochet Hobbes for me.  XD  aside from that she’s going to be a burlesque performer.  That actually sounds really cool to me.  and then she’s already initiated contact with the Austin Craft Mafia and she’s been making contacts all over the city so she’ll have a source of income waiting for her.  Could I ever hope for a better roommate?  I think it’s inevitable that we’ll end up as a couple, but I’ve been burned so many times before I might be a little too cautious these days… that and I’m kinda waiting for some confirmations from my friends to make sure they see what I see in her.  Is that weird?  Or unnecessary?  I don’t think so.
So anyway… Work is hectic without Karen, but we hired on my Cousin Brandon and his girlfriend Elia.  They’re both good workers.  Elia is actually doing amazing.  She picks up on all the stuff we do so quickly that she’s already helping customers.  PLus she’s got a good sense of humor, especially for the office.  😀  The energy is so much more positive with her around instead of Karen or Hank.  And Hank is the world’s messiest person.  he can’t sit down and leave any pile of papers the fuck alone.  he’s got to go through them, change the order and lose the most important ones, leaving everything else spread out in a huge swath across the room.  he never throws away scraps or mat or shards of broken glass or wrappers or anything any normal human would throw away.  He’s like a bald cyclone of chaos.  but oh well.  I’ll tell about my gigs in the next entry I do.  until then.

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July 14, 2007

Oh I do wish you the best of luck with the new room mate. She sounds awesome. And the first paragraph totally got me hot. Lol have a great weekend!

July 14, 2007

so i totally thought this cait girl was already your girlfriend. i guess i just read too much into it? either way, she sound really cool and i really hope the living situation works out come october. 🙂

July 26, 2007

ditto what policecops said. It sounded like it was already a girlfriend situation. And if she’s into you and you’re into her, yes it’s weird freakin nutz and immature to do the “oh i’m so scared and do my friends give the ok?” thing. just my 10 cents worth. XP