everyday conversation

me[7:17 P.M.]: D:
Blair[7:17 P.M.]: ?
me[7:17 P.M.]: *chews on your head*
Blair[7:17 P.M.]: XP
me[7:17 P.M.]: where have youuuu been?
Blair[7:18 P.M.]: Arouuuuund the world, to the moon, grandma’s house and to visit the mole people
me[7:18 P.M.]: my great grandfather kinda looked like one of the mole people
Blair[7:18 P.M.]: XD
me[7:21 P.M.]: I got the new batch of CDs XD
Blair[7:21 P.M.]: Woooo
me[7:23 P.M.]: also I have a cinnamon donut
Blair[7:23 P.M.]: o: Wonderful finds!
me[7:23 P.M.]: XD
me[7:24 P.M.]: I had a chocolate glazed one earlier but I already ate it. Mr. Cinnamonbutt is dessert
Blair[7:24 P.M.]: XD Sounds good
me[7:24 P.M.]: what’s new with you?
Blair[7:24 P.M.]: Nothing much, had a nice weekend though
me[7:28 P.M.]: neato
Blair[7:29 P.M.]: M’hmm
me[7:31 P.M.]: *pets buttermuscles*
Blair[7:31 P.M.]: XD
Blair[7:32 P.M.]: What’s Gishiness up to?
me[7:32 P.M.]: well now I’m waiting for dinner and talking about D&D airships with martin
Blair[7:32 P.M.]: … airships?
me[7:33 P.M.]: yeah. like boats that fly.
Blair7:33 P.M.]: Ooh
me[7:33 P.M.]: like in FF7
Blair[7:34 P.M.]: Hmmm *looks up steam punk.* :3
me[7:34 P.M.]: steam punk?
Blair[7:34 P.M.]: o: You don’t know of it?
me[7:34 P.M.]: maybe not
Blair[7:35 P.M.]: Brass, metal, victorian, frills and frocks?
me[7:35 P.M.]: O:
me[7:35 P.M.]: nooo
Blair[7:36 P.M.]: http://nadyalevphoto.com/St0len.jpg
Blair[7:40 P.M.]: It’d look like something similar to it
me[7:41 P.M.]: oh it’s a new style?
Blair[7:41 P.M.]: Nooope
me[7:42 P.M.]: that’s a niiice vest
Blair[7:42 P.M.]: M’hmm
Blair[7:55 P.M.]: Pffft, saying I measured Bagel’s tail wrong… She just doesn’t want to admit that Bagel’s tail is longer!
me[7:56 P.M.]: hehehe
Blair[7:56 P.M.]: x3 My great cousin and I are in an arguement on who’s tail is longer (Of our cats’ tails)
Blair[7:57 P.M.]: Her cat’s tail is a quarter inch smaller
me[7:58 P.M.]: Chui’s tail is longest.
me[7:58 P.M.]: 🙂
me[7:58 P.M.]: it’s settled.
Blair[7:58 P.M.]: No!
me[7:58 P.M.]: yes!
Blair[7:58 P.M.]: Bagel’s tail is!
me[7:58 P.M.]: false!
Blair[7:58 P.M.]: Go measure it, Mister!
me[7:58 P.M.]: fine I will
me[8:03 P.M.]: 13 inches
Blair[8:03 P.M.]: Not-uh
me[8:04 P.M.]: yes huh
Blair[8:04 P.M.]: From the base of the tail to the end? Not including the bum hole?
me[8:04 P.M.]: yeah
me[8:04 P.M.]: I measured the back of the tail
Blair[8:04 P.M.]: D: *Swats.* Meanie!
me[8:06 P.M.]: well he was all curled up and comfy
me[8:06 P.M.]: I didn’t have anywhere else to measure
me8:06 P.M.]: but I told you his tail was longer
me[8:06 P.M.]: 😛
me[8:06 P.M.]: hehe
Blair[8:07 P.M.]: Half an inch longer? DX
me[8:10 P.M.]: Bagel’s tail is 12 and a half?
Blair[8:10 P.M.]: Yeah
me[8:10 P.M.]: yup. Chui’s tail is reeeeally long
me[8:11 P.M.]: and 13 inches is probably a little on the short side
Blair[8:11 P.M.]: D: …
me[8:11 P.M.]: indeed
Blair[8:11 P.M.]: ~__~
me[8:14 P.M.]: I’d show you photographic proof but that requires effort.
Blair[8:14 P.M.]: *Chews on in a non nice way.*
me[8:15 P.M.]: DX
Blair[8:15 P.M.]: <3
me[8:15 P.M.]: *rubs a balloon on her hair and makes it poof more*
Blair[8:15 P.M.]: D:
Blair[8:19 P.M.]: Did I tell you about the squirrel?
me[8:20 P.M.]: no!
me[8:21 P.M.]: I also have another dream to tell you of after this
Blair[8:22 P.M.]: I went to Bry’s house after going to the drive-in with them and I woke up to screams of, Brrrrryyyyyy! Get up! There’s a half dead squirrel in the kitchen! Ahhhh! Bry got out of bed to help get it out and it was so funny listening to them getting it out while me and another friend yelled to not kill it
Blair[8:23 P.M.]: And that’s it… The cat brought it in
me[8:26 P.M.]: hahahaha
me[8:26 P.M.]: kitties always bring us presents
me[8:27 P.M.]: that’s how they show us they love us
Blair[8:27 P.M.]: M’hmmm
me[8:31 P.M.]: so!
me[8:31 P.M.]: in this dream it’s hard to remember the details now after so long, but I was like… a journalist/photographer
Blair[8:31 P.M.]: o: Fuuuun!
me[8:34 P.M.]: aaaand I was doing a story on human trafficking and slavery in the modern world
me[8:34 P.M.]: so naturally I went to a toystore/flea market to find answers.
Blair[8:34 P.M.]: XDD
me[8:35 P.M.]: there I found a man who had a very informative book and he also had many star wars toys,a nd he was next to some zombie shop owners that made super mario costumes.
Blair[8:36 P.M.]: o_O I’d like to browse the shops in your head
me[8:36 P.M.]: XD me too.
me[8:36 P.M.]: of course being zombies, they kept bleeding on the merch
me[8:37 P.M.]: it was kinda comical.
me[8:37 P.M.]: there must have been some other stuff but it’s slipped my mind
Blair[8:37 P.M.]: x3 Hehe
me[8:38 P.M.]: I love my lizardtime.
Blair[8:38 P.M.]: ?
me[8:39 P.M.]: lizard. the medicine totem representing dreams and shadow.
Blair[8:39 P.M.]: Oh
me[8:39 P.M.]: :Dor: rgb(254, 254, 254);”>The Zopalote [7:31 P.M.]:  *pets buttermuscles*
BlairGirlCat [7:31 P.M.]:  XD
BlairGirlCat [7:32 P.M.]:  What’s Gishiness up to?
The Zopalote [7:32 P.M.]:  well now I’m waiting for dinner and talking about D&D airships with martin
BlairGirlCat [7:32 P.M.]:  … airships?
The Zopalote [7:33 P.M.]:  yeah.  like boats that fly.
BlairGirlCat [7:33 P.M.]:  Ooh
The Zopalote [7:33 P.M.]:  like in FF7
BlairGirlCat [7:34 P.M.]:  Hmmm *looks up steam punk.* :3
The Zopalote [7:34 P.M.]:  steam punk?
BlairGirlCat [7:34 P.M.]:  o: You don’t know of it?
The Zopalote [7:34 P.M.]:  maybe not
BlairGirlCat [7:35 P.M.]:  Brass, metal, victorian, frills and frocks?
The Zopalote [7:35 P.M.]:  O:
The Zopalote [7:35 P.M.]:  nooo
BlairGirlCat [7:36 P.M.]:  http://nadyalevphoto.com/St0len.jpg
BlairGirlCat [7:40 P.M.]:  It’d look like something similar to it
The Zopalote [7:41 P.M.]:  oh it’s a new style?
BlairGirlCat [7:41 P.M.]:  Nooope
The Zopalote [7:42 P.M.]: <font lang=”0″ back=”#fefefe” ptsize=”8″ family=”SANSSERIF” style=”background-color: rgb(254, 254, 254);”> that’s a niiice vest
BlairGirlCat [7:42 P.M.]:  M’hmm
BlairGirlCat [7:55 P.M.]:  Pffft, saying I measured Bagel’s tail wrong… She just doesn’t want to admit that Bagel’s tail is longer!
The Zopalote [7:56 P.M.]:  hehehe
BlairGirlCat [7:56 P.M.]:  x3 My great cousin and I are in an arguement on who’s tail is longer (Of our cats’ tails)
BlairGirlCat [7:57 P.M.]:  Her cat’s tail is a quarter inch smaller
The Zopalote [7:58 P.M.]:  Chui’s tail is longest.
The Zopalote [7:58 P.M.]:  🙂
The Zopalote [7:58 P.M.]:  it’s settled.
BlairGirlCat [7:58 P.M.]:  No!
The Zopalote [7:58 P.M.]:  yes!
BlairGirlCat [7:58 P.M.]:  Bagel’s tail is!
The Zopalote [7:58 P.M.]:  false!
BlairGirlCat [7:58 P.M.]:  Go measure it, Mister!
The Zopalote [7:58 P.M.]:  fine I will
The Zopalote [8:03 P.M.]:  13 inches
BlairGirlCat [8:03 P.M.]:  Not-uh
The Zopalote [8:04 P.M.]:  yes huh
BlairGirlCat [8:04 P.M.]:  From the base of the tail to the end? Not including the bum hole?
The Zopalote [8:04 P.M.]: </strong> yeah
The Zopalote [8:04 P.M.]:  I measured the back of the tail
BlairGirlCat [8:04 P.M.]:  D: *Swats.* Meanie! 
The Zopalote [8:06 P.M.]:  well he was all curled up and comfy
The Zopalote [8:06 P.M.]:  I didn’t have anywhere else to measure
The Zopalote [8:06 P.M.]:  but I told you his tail was longer
The Zopalote [8:06 P.M.]:  😛
The Zopalote [8:06 P.M.]:  hehe
BlairGirlCat [8:07 P.M.]:  Half an inch longer? DX
The Zopalote [8:10 P.M.]:  Bagel’s tail is 12 and a half?
BlairGirlCat [8:10 P.M.]:  Yeah
The Zopalote [8:10 P.M.]:  yup.  Chui’s tail is reeeeally long
The Zopalote [8:11 P.M.]:  and 13 inches is probably a little on the short side
BlairGirlCat [8:11 P.M.]:  D: …
The Zopalote [8:11 P.M.]:  indeed
BlairGirlCat [8:11 P.M.]:  ~__~
The Zopalote [8:14 P.M.]:  I’d show you photographic proof but that requires effort.
BlairGirlCat [8:14 P.M.]:  *Chews on in a non nice way.*
The Zopalote [8:15 P.M.]:  DX
BlairGirlCat [8:15 P.M.]:&

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May 29, 2007

yyou argued over the length of … a cat’s tail? for ten minutes. cute cute cute.

May 30, 2007

dude, wtf is XD? some new-fangled drug?

June 1, 2007

weirdo. :p i miss you. write more, damnit!