yay! good press!

INsite magazine CD review of… my band’s debut album! weeee!

Phoenix Saga (self-titled)
The self-titled debut release from Austin’s Phoenix Saga has made it’s way into my hands. When I poppedit into my laptop to listen, what I got was probably the most raw CD I’ve listened to in a long time.
Their style seems to jump from a 90s Toadies sound ("Can You Believe") to a Smashing Pumpkins feel ("Covenant") to a rocking folk version of Tool ("Last Page").
Lead vocalist/ guitarist Jose Alba has the ability to reach a great high-register that provides for some great harmonics. Along with bassist Sean Ellison and drummer Joe Kraft, this three piece is able to create a great sound.
They show no fear of the wa-wa pedal in "Cardigan," probably the biggest rocker on the CD. "I’m going to make you feel just like your’e losing control/ Don’t mind the troubles baby, let the good times roll."
The album jumps back and forth from acoustic to electric guitar, and it all fits. They could use a bit more polishing and a little more quiality production, but it’s about as strong of a debut album as I’ve heard.
I’ve not yet seen these guys in concert, but I’ll be rectifying that this month when I head out to the Austin Indie Alliance March Music Madness show at the Dizzy Rooster on March 16 where they’re playing at an early 6:30PM time slot. Come join me. check out myspace.com/phoenixsaga for more info.
On a side note, judging from their MySpace page, I don’t think I’d be too wrong in assuming that their name comes from a late 1970s X-Men comic book. (B-) Sean Claes

awwww shucks!  they think we rock!

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March 18, 2007

How cool! (wasn’t sure which way “raw” was going, but apparently it’s more on the compliment side). I still don’t have one, btw, wish I’d thought to tell you to toss one in your car this weekend.

March 18, 2007

that is fantastic!

March 19, 2007

that’s awesome! good for you guys!