I need to write in this more often.

That being said, I think I shall.  I’m going to make it a point to write at least one entry every single day this month or die trying.  If the entries stop, then I’m dead.  I have a lot to say and I just don’t know it yet.  I’ll start by talking about my recent trip to Cisco Texas and how it DIDN’T HAPPEN.  RAWR.  We were so looking forward to that too.  See, I have this awesome friend Cheryl who is also one of the faculty members at Cisco Junior College in Cisco, Texas.  She, being as awesome as she is came to see my band play one time, and decided we needed to play at her college.  over the next few months she talked to the entertainment director and got us a show on November 30th of this year.

Despite some slow communications and a last minute shuffle for a sound guy, it sounded like a good deal and that everything was going to fall into place.  We were offered $500, plus one night’s stay, plus one meal.  All things considered this would have been the largest crowd we’d every played to that was there specificly to see us play, and the most we’d ever been paid for a gig.  Ever.  It also would have helped us pay for our CD since that costs $300 for 100 copies.  We had it planned out to play 1 hour of acoustic songs and kick it up with 1 hour of electric rockingness.  We were all ready to go and early the morning of the 30th I get a call from Cheryl that everything is frozen over, all the schools and stores are closed and most likely the roads as well since they’re nothign but ice sheets anyway… and we have to reschedule the gig.  😛  So anti-climactic.  I know.  Anyway we ARE going to play there in the spring and maybe it’ll be all like I had hoped for.

We ARE trying to book ourselves a January tour of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Texas, and maybe Oklahoma.  Middle America, here we come.  The only problem is we only have one confirmed gig date so far and we’re wondering if this is even goign to be able to happen unelss we can find some more places to play.  Honestly if any of you have suggestions we’ll take them.  We’ll play acoustic or electric, paying or not, and we can fit in at most clubs.  Bear in mind that we like to play originals, not covers, though we’ll fill our set in with covers if we must.  if you want us to come to YOUR city, then find us a place to play and maybe a place to stay.  If you’re lucky then we’ll have somewhere to go on our tour and it’s all because of YOU!  All kidding aside, anything you can offer will help.  Club names, websites.  whatever.

Now!  On to nerdier things.  I’ve been playing Neverwinter Nights a lot recently.  My character, Cora Greenbottle, was one I had made back when I used to play D&D with Martin.  She’s a halfling rogue, whom I intended to make into a ninja in my campaign with Martin but I just ended up adding some monk levels to her until her speed was increased since the ninja class, being something I made up myself, is not in the game.  Her background is that she was orphaned at a very early age and has grown up picking pockets and nabbing loaves of bread to survive.  Of course Martin’s campaign was based in a middle-eastern type setting so Cora wears a hijab (headscarf), which actually helps her blend in.  She’s got a pretty strict code of conduct and is extremely self-reliant.  She’s quite accustomed to being looked down on (for simply being a halfling, but also because she’s female) and underestimated so she uses these to her advantage.  It’s also pretty handy when no one suspects that a woman would be stealing their coin purse.  Anyway, I’ve played straight through the first game and I’m on to the first expansion the Shadows of Undrentide.  I’ve gotten so efficient at that game that I can actually time out how long each section is going to take for me.  most chapters take between 5 and 9 hours to complete, because I’m obsessive compulsive and I complete every single quest and explore every square of map and I open every barrel and chest that I find and I sell all the items that I get.  I’ve got over a million gold pieces now and I’ve been buying lots of items that cost about 100,000 each.  Easily I’ve made over 2 million so far.  anyway I’m saving as much as I can for the end of the second expansion The Hordes of the Underdark because I know I’ll need lots of gold to buy information and I don’t feel like cheating to get it.  I honestly hate to cheat.  if I can’t beat a game without resorting to a hint book or a cheat code that I stop playing.  oh well. 

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December 3, 2006

oh, man, neverwinter nights. when that game came out, it was better than SEX to nerds. i have this confirmed from my sister, who bought it for her then-boyfriend. ::nods::

December 3, 2006

UTAH!?!!! Thats where I live!!! I cant wait!! I will soooooo go! Please keep me updated!!!

December 4, 2006

Aaawwww, I bet your mom is glad you didn’t hit the icey roads. Spring sounds much more fun, all those college kids hyped and ready to rock.

December 8, 2006

neverwinter nights? what is that, a videogame or some crap? i kind of skimmed that entire paragraph because i got bored after like, one second. no offense. p.s. tour canada, please. thanks.