Sasha Bakhru…. EXPLAIN YOURSELF! *edit*

ok so do any of you remember all that trouble we were having with our band website and how someone else got it?  of COURSE YOU DON’T because it was like 8 months agooooo…. anyhow, I’ve been watchign that site almost every day since I had it set in my computer as my home page and never really bothered changing it.  anhow for the last 8 months or so it’s been completely blank as held by a "placeholder" page and unused for anything whatsoever.  That is… until today.  Now if you go to visit, it will lead you to…. well… go there and see for yourself!!!!  WHY?!  anyway I whote some mail to the person who seems to have this website now.  it was as follows:

title: Hello Sasha

My name is Sean Ellison, and I am a musician from Austin, Texas.  I am in a band by the name of Phoenix Saga, and once upon a time was the address of our band’s website.  Due to circumstances beyond our means, our domain name expired and went up for auction (back in February sometime) and though we did put in a bid to obtain it again, it seems that we were outbid.  Apparently, 8 months later, the domain name is now yours, and I’m rather curious as to why you were so eager to get such a specific domain name that has virtually nothing to do with anything on your website.  After all… my band’s name is Phoenix Saga, and we play all kinds of rock music, so it makes a lot of sense for us to be using it, but where does biomedical engineering and polymeric hydrol-based scaffolds for ex vivo neural stem cell expansion have any relevance to any word in that domain name?  I’m not angry or upset, I’m just really confused about why you’d even want the name phoenixsagarock for your website.  I was hoping you might toss me a reply to clarify some of this.  Thanks for your time.
Take care,

*edit* apparently my mail didn’t go through.  because this person doesn’t exist or somesuch nonsense.   oh well.

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October 2, 2006

aw dammit! i was really curious about this.

October 2, 2006

There’s a prob with your aol mail, my reply was “undeliverable”. so… My boss says $500 sounds reasonable. Think that would cover travel expenses plus have some pocket-money left over? Let me know if that’s what you want to tell Diane.

October 2, 2006

Now about this domain name problem. It’s a conspiracy. Not from the government, not from “The Man”. It’s bigger than that. The machines HAVE taken over. You are being shut out. Your mind is being messed with. Biomedical engineering? Of course! All the surviving minds will speak one language: Binary! (dun dun duuun) Yeah, it’s one of those mornings.

October 2, 2006

LoL. I must say, that was pretty funny. Sad that it didn’t go through, though. And sad that your band lost out.

October 6, 2006

huh. i might be moving to austin in january. or february. or something. not later than that, though. just got back from houston and while i’m not crazy about the whole “living in tx with a bunch of goddamn republicans” thing, austin seems pretty fucking cool and’s got a great music scene to say the least. i’ll totally have to check out your band, provided that you don’t suck 😛 heh

October 10, 2006

You are hot AND funny! Just thought I’d let you know I rated you! x