gawd I hate AOL and I hate OD also.

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Blair:  Gr, can’t wear my cat ears with my headphones.
ME:  awww
Z:  nuts
B:  D:
B:  Wonderful headphones but I love my cat ears.
B:  Is your D&D games everlasting or something?
Z:  everlasting?
B:  XP Goes one long time.
Z:  well it’s indefinite really
B:  Like a year  or something like old people and chess
Z:  one quest lead to another and whatnot
B:  Oh okay
<font size="1" lang="0" face="Arial" co

lor=”#ff0000″ style=”background-color: rgb(254, 254, 254);” back=”#fefefe” family=”SANSSERIF” ptsize=”8″>Z:  kinda like old people and chess yeah
Z:  hehe
Z:  it never really stops
B:  :3 Okay
B:  >_< *Moves her phone away from her.* I keep looking at it when it changes  time
Z:  XD  why?
B:  XD It makes me feel like my eyes are doing something like, " =DD Something happened!?! " *Glance.*
B:  o_o It;s like a dog when you have nothing in your hand but still moves its head when you pretend to throw something
Z:  XD
Z:  I know the feeling
B:  >_< *Covers eyes for several seconds.* Geeez
Z:  <font size="2"lang=”0″ face=”Comic Sans MS” color=”#000080″ family=”SCRIPT” ptsize=”10″>:poooooooke::
Z:  hehehe
B:  o_O Usually when you have a sleepover, don’t you go to bed when your host goes to bed?
B:  *Wonders if all the boys fell asleep yet.* >_>
Z:  usually…
B:  XP
Z:  why?
Z:  you having a sleepover?
Z:  with BOYS?
Z:  O:<
B:  Oh yeah, Gishy. We had a orgy too. ^__^ <3
Z:  weeeeeeee!
Z:  <font size="2" lang="0" face="Comic Sans MS" color="#000080" family="SCRIPT" ptsize="10″>hey!  why wasn’t I invited?
Z:  XD
B:  Nah, my brother went to sleep in the living room but his freinds are up on his computer
B:  ;D Get an airplane ticket, hun!
B:  XD
Z:  hehehehe
Z:  maybe if we get on the snakes on a plane soundtrack I’ll be able to afford a ticket
B:  lol
Z:  Thom Yorke has been called our best song.  it’s definitely a contender.
B:  :3
Z:  and with a name like "Thom Yorke Has Been In One Too Many Car Accidents" it is sure to get some friggin attention.
B:  lol Yes
Z: <font size="1" lang="0" face="Arial" color="#000000" style="background-color: rgb(254, 254, 254);" back="#fefefe" family="

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