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(For those of you not L33T enuf to read that title it says "fear the reaper")

O.  H.  M.  Y.  G.  O.  D.

I was fscking bored last night.  I suppose before I say what happened (or failed to happen) I should preface this entry with the disclaimer that this is one of those entries that seems like it is about something but is really about nothing at all.  If you read the first sentence you already know what happened.  But I feel the need to go into greater detail.  Ahem…

Last night sucked.  I ran out of Red vs. Blue to watch days ago and I ran out of people to talk to as well.  I was in one of those moods.  I sat there and stared at my computer monitor, waiting for the picture to change and when the screen saver popped up I’d make it go the fuck away so I could watch the screen sit there some more.  Then I got the notion of trying to find somethign new to watch on youtube.  I sat there for like… 15 minutes (it sure seemed this long) trying to think of something to watch.  Here I am.  I have the vast and infinite randomness of the internet at my fingertips.  what the heck?  Maybe the choices were too vastly infinite?  In any case my brain had stopped.  I typed in the first word that came to my mind.  "fight"

I don’t know why people find people beating the crap out of eachother amusing… honestly I felt a little demoralized and nauseated.  Not because of the blood (I kind of like the blood), but because of the retarded level of violence involved in producing it.  I’m a pacifist and I could have ended just about all of those fights much faster than they were… most people would cave with a knee to their face.  Or at least be blinded enough that I could knock the wind out of them and bring them down with a kick to the side of the knee.  I fight dirty and I know it.  I fight to make it stop as quickly as possible really and that’s why I don’t like to do it.  But stil I don’t get violence… what’s the point?  It doesn’t accomplish anything but making you a jerk.  I moved on to searching for other things trying to avoid looking for that one certain thing we all know is inevitable.  It shows up on the internet like chocolate shows up in an easter basket.  And of which we partake just as readily.  Even if we’re on a fucking diet.  What is the point of a diet anyway?  I mean… if you’re not obviously sick like a diabetic or something, and you’re not allergic to anything… and you’re not morally opposed to what you’re eating… why go on a diet?  To prove that you can starve yourself?

God I’m hungry.  So then I eventually caved and tried to find some juicy footage of girls in the shower but all the good ones were content blocked… stupid lack of an account.  not like I need it though.  I’ve got plenty stashed on my computer.  So there I was.  Too bored to sleep.  The fact that I was bored made me want to stay up and find something to do.  The lack of anything to do only perpetuated my state of boredom.  No sleep for the weary.  I needed to find something to make me less boed first.  After my second search for lesbian videos I remembered that I had a crapload of MegaTokyo to catch up on.  I zoomed on over to that site and reveled in catchign up to where I WAS before I stopped reading back when I still had dialup and couldn’t stand the load times on the pages.  What a lifesaver.  Largo is 4W350M3.  One day I’m going to build a beowulf cluster with beer coolant and dry cereal insulation.  It will be THE 1337357 G34R 3V4R.  pwnt

Reading all that crap about relationships really made me think about where I am in terms of a love life.  Yeah… I don’t have one.  The closest I’ve been to getting laid in years was the random drunk girl from Ft. Worth I was standing on the street on Saturday night with her shoes off.  She already hugged me and I hadn’t known her but 45 seconds.  Too bad I don’t do drunk girls as a matter of principle… she woulda been REALLY easy… Yeah maybe I need to get laid but what I need more than that is a fucking steady relationship.  I like this girl Sarah but she’s like an hour away and she’s not too interested.  I like Kelly but she’s jailbait.  I liked Beth from Echoset but she’s already GOT a girlfriend.  Nicole was nice though.  I could tell I impressed her with my L33T resourcefulness in finding a piece of tape to re-attatch that wristband she had…. but anyway…  Yeah.  People think I wrote Invisibo because its a funny song… hell it makes ME laugh but these are SERIOUSLY the kinds of problems I’m dealing with.  I even like Rosie, the bass player for Go Nova but I have no way of getting in contact with her besides seeing her at a show.  I like the bank girl, Sadie, but that’s not MY bank it’s the company bank and I only go there with my parents… am I just supposed to walk into the lobby and ask her out?  A girl that pretty has got to be in a relationship anyway.  God I miss Shoshanna… lives in Colorado.  Love is 3V1L.  Now that I’ve written a sufficiently long entry about nothing, I’ll go.

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March 22, 2006

Aww. No, seriously. Aww. I’d do ya if I was around. I promise that they dry spell will end. I’m in one as well. It’s okay.

March 22, 2006

“am I just supposed to walk into the lobby and ask her out?” Why not? What have you got to loose?

March 22, 2006

Actually I really do not understand this lack of a relationship business. You’re a good looking guy. Hot even. Hott even. And not just the looks; you’ve got all that other stuff going for you like talent, sense of humor, TALL (oh wait that falls in the looks category). Anyway, have you actually just asked a girl out on a date? Then go on the date. Then ask her out again. Hmm?

March 22, 2006

oh and decent morals. I left that one out. Really good morals actually.

March 22, 2006

nice euphemism for porn, there, chocolate-boy. oh my god i’m NOTING YOU, i swear i read all the time i just usually don’t note because my notes are all insipid nonsensical bullshit like “chocolate-boy.” maybe if you typed in LEETSPEAK less you’d get laid more. i’ll make you an inverse-relationship graph.

March 22, 2006

caps look atrocious in your font. i promise never to leave you notes with obscene amounts of caps again. also, this whisper to me person who’s inflating your ego is telling the truth about how awesome you are. your lack of a harem astounds me probably more than it depresses you.

March 22, 2006

I would’ve had fun with ya too =p He’s a sweetie in person <3 Too bad I'm all not available now = Next time don't procrastinate so badly 😀 ;p

March 22, 2006

i wholeheartedly agree with whisper to me and kelly. i just do not GET why you are single, buddy. i actually think i might have told you this already, but i like to repeat myself so deal with it. go out right now and get yourself some ass. and if that doesn’t work, get a plane ticket to calgary and we’ll just pretend i’m single for a little while. okay?