Vinni Vidi Vicci! biotch!

So we went to the rock fest pre-runway party at Vicci last night. It was a lot more fun than I thought it was going to be. This is the myspace site for Vicci: Notice the poshness of this place. This is the kind of place Phoenix Saga would never get in to as regular people, but then why would we want to? …. Well then again why the hell not? They got lesbians and boob signings. But needless to say we didn’t feel like we’d fit in. They even had this dress code thing where they said it was "ok" to wear jeans but slacks or dress pants were preferred or something crazy and swank like that.

So Joey and I have the full dress-pants-and-tie get up and even Joe is wearing long pants for this, and we get there, and about 80% of the people there are wearing ripped jeans and t-shirt combo. It’s like pretty much any rock concert where there are people in black shirts, there’s this guy who looks like an asian version of Prince, and there’s a guy with a Flock of Seagulls haircut and tattoos all down his arms… you know… the works. So anyway, I get a few free screwdrivers (can you believe they were giving out free vodka and beer to all the musicians? I’m surprised people weren’t more drunk) and Joe got some fruity drinks. I think the guy put like apple juice and orange juice and pineapple juice in it with a cherry on top. I called it the fruit bomb.

At this point a band called Transfer was on stage. They rocked and I went to talk to one of them after the set, but I may have accidentally cock-blocked him… oops. oh well! It happens. I also met people from other bands including Building G, Crackjaw, Echoset, OH AND THEY HAD A HUGE BUCKET OF FREE SWEET LEAF TEA! OMFG! It’s just like the Black Sabbath song says. That’s when Kissinger hit the stage. We need to open for those cats. Period. We also saw Katy formerly of Haustyle but she was doing promo work for a band called Slider. We played with Haustyle back in the day all the time. She’s cool. She’s a bass player too. After Kissinger’s show I talked to the lead singer and tossed him a CD and a card so hopefully we’ll get a gig there. Also talked to the lead singer of Echoset again. She’s hot. A total fox.

After that we went upstairs and took some pictures on the couch up there, and just as we were leaving we run into none other than Junkyard Mary. How cool is that? And they remembered us from all that time ago! Very kewl. So all in all it was a very productive night. I actually had fun there. Unfortunately we didn’t see Casey McPherson or Lanky there. That would have been nice. We’ll simply have to catch their shows. Damnit I need to write about that Reggie concert. I even got pictures. I combed my moustache with them. That is a story for another time. Now to watch Red vs Blue.

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March 16, 2006

Good luck! I do hope you guys get to play there sometime. ;o) Take it easy!

March 17, 2006

Sounds interesting FOsure “They got lesbians and boob signings” Hmmmm….I must be sheltered here in UT LOL