long weekend.

Time flies so fast… Friday I went straight over to Joey’s place after work in order to watch the new episode of Battlestar Galactica… well actually I got off at 4 and Joey didn’t get off until 6 so I went to Joe’s house first, and it turns out that they were playing air soft over there so I joined in and played that until it was time to go to Joey’s house.  Robin has been staying with Joey and he rearranged/cleaned Joey’s whole living room… it’s like… perfect for gaming now.  anyway, we watched Stargate, went to eat at Chilie’s but decided against it because of the wait and ended up getting sonic and going back to watch the last half of SG Atlantis and then Battlestar Galactica.
DAMN that’s a good show.  and I hate the end of every episode because it STOPS right when you’re ready to watch the rest of the story.  and then it’s a whole week before you get to see what happens next.  Right now Commander Adama and Admiral Bitchlady are both plotting to assassinate eachother… so yeah we’ll see how that turns out.  God that’s a good show.  anyway after that we ended up playing Halo 2 until the bright and early.  HAH  Robin and I make the best team at that game.  you should see what we can do with those warthogs!  We were on one of the covenant levels and we’d jumped on a warthog and punched the crap out of the guys in it and stole it from the, and robin drove while I gunned down everything from tanks to those annoying robots that shoot beam cannons at you… well Robin managed to drive the warthog through a barrier you’re not supposed to be able to get it through and we were driving past a bunch of ghosts, and robin was set to ram one like he usually does, only the ghost tried to dodge, but he clipped out back tireand bounced us up onto the nose and we kept sliding along the same way we were heading, and then a secodn ghost comes by and clips us and we start spinning like a ballerina on the nose of this warthog for about a full minute, the same direction we were goign before.  We finally stopped and plopped back down onto all 4 tires facing the same way we wanted to go hahaha.  it was awesome.  I never let up on the trigger of the machine gun.  XD  and that smae mission, I managed to somehow get tossed off the back of the warthog and Robin was coming to pick me up when I get rushed by a flood with a SMG and so I panic and smack a plasma grenade right on his face right as he kills me in one hit, at which moment Robin drives right on top of the grenade as it goes off.  the warthog was thrown into the air spinning like crazy and it lands on a slanted roof (like 30 yards away) nearby on all 4 wheelsand slides off and lands on me right as I respawn.  hahahaha that was cool.
(the second time we’ve beaten the game in 1 night since new years), and I slept on Joey’s couch because we had practice the next day anyway and it wouldn’t make sense to bring the truck all the way home again and then just have to come right back the next morning.  I was fucking tired.
So we got up, I watched some racing game robin was playing, and then some LotR RPG they got, then we went to band practice, and I ate a scone-like pastry that Satomi tried to bake a couple days ago… XP  gah she didn’t mix the batter well enough so I bit into a huge wad of baking soda XP  sooo gross.  anyway.  my voice was so tired it was cracking all over the place.  I needed my daily coffee or OJ to fix it.  plus I hadn’t eaten all day.  after practice we went to meet my cousin Dustin about putting together a DVD for us to play on the projection screen behind the band at our next gig. and this was at 7:45 because we were 15 minutes late.
Josh and his brother and Robin all ended up coming along and we had an awesome waiter named Du, who kept coming back to the table and hanging out, even after he got off work about an hour later.  he got a good tip.  Also Josh put a fake phone number and drew this <3 😉  on the bottom of his receipt.  it was fucking hilarious.  man that whole night was hilarious.  anyway, I’m gonna be beat tomorrow, especially if I end up going to hang out with Luke tonight.  that’s all. 🙂

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January 7, 2006

Hey Kid.;) I’m glad you had an awesome weekend!!! Yuck.. about the scone thing… lol. People get too imapatient while mixing.. like me! Haha.. Have a great day, Sean!!!

Heeeey, wait a minute! I Just failed to make good enough scones that time…but I’m not THAT bad a cook I suppose. JEEEZ, you just hush up!!!!! I’m gonna prove myself next time you BAKA BAKA!!!! (Satomi)

January 8, 2006

Baking powder… large quantities… very gross indeed. It’s a love hate thing with things that stop just when it gets interesting, on the one hand it’s freaking annoying, on the other it kinda makes it all that much better.

January 8, 2006

oh man. fun times.

January 8, 2006

RYN: yea I like the rock star names LOL and yes i am pregnant

January 8, 2006
January 9, 2006

lol. sounds like you had fun! I’ve got a lot of friends who play Halo but haven’t had the honor of watching nor playing–yet. :o) Someday. RYN-My friend really is only called Guapo by just me…most of the names in my od are nicknames including that one. ;o) i can let u know bout some entries..but what kind of stuff do you like reading? Poetry/lyrics? or reg life “drama”? lol. Thx 4 stopin by!

January 9, 2006

p.s- i was gonnna ask what you play in the band…and what kinda music u write… :op

January 9, 2006

Yes I was just a random noter that found you. I will stop back and see how you are doing.

January 9, 2006

sorry i havent been able to say Happy New Year until now…

January 9, 2006

RYN: Hoku is hawaiian for star and is part of my middle name

January 10, 2006

I picked a few of the poems I got best response on either in here or in person or from other blogs but since I’m not quite sure how best to link them to you in a note, I’ll just put them in an entry. Hope you enjoy. I checked out your band and am impressed! I added ya’ll so I’ll say hi there later. Keep up the good work!

January 10, 2006

BSG is great fun. :3