A survey of uncommon questions

(I actually wrote this way back in like 2002 and posted it on January 3rd but I decided to post it again for all you people to fill out.)

survey rules: copy this to your diary to fill it out and leave me a note so I can come see it!

1)What’s your chinese zodiac animal?  dog

2)Have you ever tried to scubadive using a plastic bag for a helmet?  no but I know someone who has

3)a)Have you ever dated someone you’ve never met online? yes

b)If so, did you ever suspect that they were actually some old fat guy? yes

c)Were you right? almost

4)Have you ever wanted to meet the inspectors with the numbers for names(i.e. inspected by 36)? always.

5)If you were a ninja what would be the first thing that you would do? pwn someone

6)Does body hair disturb you? only on the second knuckles of my fingers.  well.. ok yes it does. all of it.

7)Are most of your converstations intellectual or carnal? hmmm… musical or carnal.  carnal meaning meaty.

8)How many constellations can you locate in the sky? 5.

9)What video game or book would you next like to see made into a movie? Legend of Zelda of Castlevania

10)Do you know how to dance? I can dance if I want to.  I can leave your friends behind.

11)Describe the most fun you’ve ever had on vacation:  well… that’s tough.  i could talk about the constapated pidgeon in Paris, or the lesbian nude hotspring my sister brought me to, or being attacked by crabs and then having my revenge on them at Landry’s… I have lots of fun on vacation

12)Describe the most pain you’ve ever endured(pysical or mental): probably the time I had the hiccups for about 3 months straight.  god my chest hurt from that.  thatnkfully I’ve mastered the art of hiccupping without catching my breath.  now a hiccup sounds like a big gasp from me.

13)Comfort, Style, or Practicality? mmm I’d have to co for comfort, but I’m also big on practicality.  style can kiss my ass.

14)Do you consider yourself a child of the 80’s? totally dude.

15)In what decade would you most love to have lived? mmm maybe the 1960s when protesting actually meant something.

16)Have you ever wished anyone dead and then found out your wish came true? not actively yet…

17)Do you like to try new foods? sure!

18)How DO you get to Sesame Street? say "open sesame"

19)Do you think Pee Wee’s Playhouse scarred you for life? yes

20)Is Elvis dead? elvis is undead.

21)If you could ask the supreme being one question, what would it be? hey… hows it going?

22)Describe a dream you’ve had that you can remember vividly: *read the previous entry*

23)List what letters are missing off of your phone without going to look: QXYZ?

24)Tell a story about your favourite pet: one time our kitten Shinobi saw a whole new room he hadn’t explored yet so he readied himself, and leapt from the ground onto the chair, onto the the piano, and smacked right into the mirror.  hard.  hehe  poor guy.  I miss him.

25)Do you have a vivid imagination? yes 

26)If you were to name your children after various forms of punctuation, would you name your daughter Period? …… maybe

27)Do you find it amusing to watch people trying to finish chewing to say something because their eyes get really big or they hold up a finger indicatively or they fan themselves like they’re going to faint? yes, very

28)Shirtlessness or Pantslessness? Why? pantsless because somehow my lower body always stays warmer than my upper body.

29)Have you ever had the urge to purchase a squeegee? I think so…

30)Do you consider jewelry a form of clothing? kinda. 😀

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December 31, 2005

Pantless? Ohh la la!!lol!:) Cute survey.. was it really an old hairy fat man? Yum…

December 31, 2005

ryn: my shrimp are totally the ventures now. only how am i going to choose which one is brock!? you make my life so hard.

January 1, 2006

Ok I did the quiz. You’re right, it is a weird quiz. Happy New Year by the way.