Daddy, I’mna be a Quantum Mechanic!

I do so enjoy pondering the imponderables of physics, astrophysics, and quantum physics.  I certainly believe that light is made up of particles called photons.  Let’s examine evidence form what we know about simpler things:  sources of light generally also produce heat.  another way to generate heat is friction or pressure.  Friction and pressure both require the presence of matter as well as motion, where the absence of matter creates a vaccuum, such as outer space.  Physical matter, itself, is made up of a combination of particles in a network of space, and each particle is either staionary and storing potential energy (protons and neutrons in the neucleus of an atom) or they are moving through the space around them and storing kinetic energy (electrons orbiting the neucleus).  each atom, made up of both types of stored energy is vibrating at a certain frequency, giving us differences in temperature.  once again we have heat produced by the presence of matter.  We know that light travels in waves (indicating a possible vibration frequency) and we also know that light has a certain speed at which it travels.  We also know that gravity can affect the speed of light as it does in a black hole, and gravity in general can bend light and alter its velocity.

All of this indicates the presence of a particle.  We already know that it is possible for particles of a certian type to transfer themselves from one atom to another, and move in the space between atoms, such as is possible with a bolt of lightning.  This would seem to allow that it is possible for a small enough particle to travel through or around atoms of a particular density until they reach a certian point where they collide with other particles or are dispersed or reflected.  Such is the behavior of light.  When light enters our atmosphere from the sun, it is first bent slightly by earth’s gravity, and then it is refracted by the particles of air in our atmosphere, causing our eyes to detect the frequency we call blue light.  Still, most of that light penetrates the entire atmosphere, while some is bounced back off into space, allowing our planet’s atmosphere to be visible from other locations in space, such as the moon.  then what remaining light reaches us and is still so potent that we can see the light of the sun right through our eyelids.  The light either carries heat with it, stored as one of the other types of energy found in particles, and released by friction and pressure when it reaches the matter in our atmosphere, OR it produces it when it gets to the earth by those some methods, and the amount of light particles reaching the earth are simply fewer than the amount reaching bodies closer to the sun, which would create more friction and thus make them hotter.

If light were a particle then all of that makes sense (to me).  I haven’t really thoguht to ponder ways to disprove this theory yet…  however if its true that gravity travels in waves as well, then it could well be proven that all energy is some sort of wave-form and that might be able to disprove my photon theory.  The cool thing is I’ve also come up with a theory for the reason we have gravity AND the reason that space is expanding.  Gravity is generally thought to be an energy force (though there is also a graviton theory putting particles to play here as well), and all matter has some field of gravity.  gravity in all the evidence I’ve found has a direct relation to the mass of an object, and how dense that object is.  Gravity, as we understand it, pulls particles of matter closer together.  this creates pressure and heat also(and judging from what molten rock and metal look like I’d venture to say it’s a good guess that it can throw out light as well.) but the density of the ground beneath us is too great for these photons to penetrate thoroughly.  Now as these particles get closer together, that would logicly mean that these is less space between each of them, and that space would have to go somewhere, so it is pushed outwards.  this effect, it seems to my mind, would cause a thinning of particles as you go further from the gravity center, and the more loosely packed particles are the more matter they can penetrate and the farther out they would be pushed by the expansion of space.  Imagine, if you will, burrying a marble in center of a ball of dough and wrapping your hand around it to represent an atom.  The marble is the nucleus at the center, your hand is the orbital sphere of the electrons, and the dough is the space in between them.  The more pressure you apply to that atom, the smaller the space gets, but the space wants to move outwards.  with all that expanding space, it has to be pushed SOMEWHERE because all actions have an equal but opposite reaction.  that space is simply pushed out into space itself, and it is causing space to expand.

Of course, all of this is total speculation, and I’m by no means an expert on this, but these are ideas that make sense to my mind.  and despite the fact that the human brain is the most powerful computer known to mankind, it STILL cannot understand the vastness of the infinite.  Our minds still cannot encompass the all that is EVERYTHING.  I’m an ignorant fool among ignorant fools because the more we learn about the universe, the less we realize we actually know.  we will never stop learning, nor will we ever learn all there is to learn.  two infinite improbabilities that are the same whole of reality.  Because I have no way to test my theories beyond gathering the data that other people have scrounged up I can’t begin to make any more of an informed estimate of the validity of my theories.  But in the grand scheme of things, there’s no one person who understands any more about the universe than anyone else, if the absolute value of zero is zero, and we all understand nothing of everything.  We’re all as dumb as bricks because we are all the same mind.  all the same thing.  we are infinite particles spread through infinite space in a confined space that is contantly growing larger.  Boggles the fuck out of my mind.  hope you’re confused now.  bye!  😀

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December 19, 2005

Sean.. I couldn’t concentrate on your entry very long because I get confused easily.;) Thank you for your awesome note on my diary. I hope you have a great day kiddo…and good luck with the theories!!!:):):)

December 19, 2005

Don’t worry, it’s all gonna head back to where it started eventually. Then all those itty bitty particles are gonna have really close neighbors (OK this is more entertaining when you hear the voice of Zorg from the 5th Element saying those sentences.) Anyway when those red novas go violet… watch out! You only have about another 20 billion years left to live!

December 19, 2005

Katy=confused about 3 sentences in. But I love you anyway. Nerdy people are my fave.

Cute………you go into great detail to explain your rationality and even include a really good analogy only to trash it all and say because it’s a great big universe and we’re all really puny that we’re no smarter than Beavis. Oh well………I can dig it. Joey

December 20, 2005

Actually, photons are not particles in the physical sense that we normally associate with that word. Rather, they consist of discrete bundles of energy which are fixed in magnitude. As a result, each photon takes on some of the characteristics of a physical particle. *heh- I stole that! I tend not to think this deep- it makes my head hurt!*

December 21, 2005

i don’t even know what to say right now. well done.