berserk furry. haha

My foot doctor is hott.  with 2 t’s. She has a silly name (Dr. Kukla) but ooooohmygodIwannasuckherfuckingnipples she’s hott.  I discreetly gave her my number by mentioning how my band had a show at a coffee shop, to which she was like "yeah?  That’s so great!  Going to coffee shops for live music reminds me of when I was back in college.  Where is it?"  YESSSSS!  weeeelll the Hutto thing was a little too far but she was interested in Round Rock gigs which we have like… every fucking month so I gave her my band card (which has my number on it) and of course it has all our websites and stuff too.  Jesus Hemmingway Christ, I’m smooth.  Oh and speaking of that Hutto gig… I think I was going around saying that the 17th was a Friday maybe?  well it’s on the 17th but the 17th is a Saturday in fact.  I’m stupid.  but yeah.  same deal only it’s Saturday and not Friday.

You know… its strange, all the female doctors I’ve seen have somehow been retardedly beautiful.  I mean they’re so beautiful… it’s just…. dumb.  They got brains and bods.  go figure.  You know… I’ve been noticing a similar trend in female scientists.  They’re just incredibly unbelieveably sexy.  Maybe it’s the white coats?  if only they were coming to take me away.  ha ha.  hee hee.  hoo hoo.  To the funny farm! where life is WONDERFUL all the time.

This thing is taking forever to write.  Between talking to Kelly, playing D&D and trying to draw comics I’m swamped.  well!  this is looking pretty good for a rough draft demo.  I also drew my D&D Character Oskar von Hornwald.  Here he is:

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He came out a little light in the scan but you get the idea.  He’s a Berserker barbarian who wields a +1 wounding longsword (celtic style handle) and a +1 returning handaxe (axes actually look like this).  His bearskin (actually the word berserk comes from the norse word for bear skin.  I think its bersark or someting.) is +1 leather armor with light fortification, and he’s got a little amulet of natural armor +1 hanging aroudn his neck there.  His furry booties are nothing special, but they are furry booties.  Because it’s cold out there today.  It’s cold out there every day.

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December 12, 2005

This is what I was thinking. “Does he have invisible boots and shriveled up feet? oh no wait those are his laces.” took me a sec 🙂 another person living it up in Austin. what’s the band’s name? n-e way I’m just gonna move along because I have nothing else clever to say. laterz

dude you’ve been busy. LOL. who the hell are these new bitches leaving you notes is there no luv for the oldies that still read you?!?!?!?!? anyway much l8rs kiddo and yes the store that shall not be mentioned is slowly sucking the life from my sick and feeble body. incubschic78

December 13, 2005

dude why don’t you take f***in’ private notes!?!?!? Do you really think I want all these folks to know what I want to say to you? LOL L8rs.I’ll just tell you in an IM.

Maybe Doctors and scientist are just your thing………I’m partial to a girl in glasses so I suppose librarians and elementary school teachers are my downfall. I could’ve sworn that one of the Mormon texts reveal the H. in Jesus H. Christ to be Herbie, but that could be my overactive imagination. And in praise of Oskarvon, the furry-bootied beserker………. (read Next entry) Joey

My love for you is like a truck, BERZERKER! Would you like some making (diary edit), BERZERKER!

December 13, 2005

I can’t believe you said They’re coming to take me away ha ha hee hee ho ho. Have you ever heard the song that’s in? Bazaar. My mom used to say that all the time.

December 13, 2005

Hot foot doctors? Wouldn’t you be jealous of her checking out other guys feet all day? Haha! Older woman too… interesting!!:):) Good luck on the shesdohotyouwanttosuckhernipples girl… 🙂 Have a great day.

December 13, 2005

no wonder you wanted a lab coat picture!!! i’m a scientist in the sims2. i’m also married, but it’s okay, apparently flirting = having an affair so we’re already in over our sexy little heads.

December 13, 2005

wow! you have a VERY EXCITING interests list now! p.s. i love you. p.p.s. i like you, too. p.p.p.s. this entry ruled. you are still totally funny.

December 13, 2005

“but ooooohmygodIwannasuckherf*ckingnipples” You make me smile, sir.

December 13, 2005

heh, your making me wanna go break my D&D stuff outta the closet again.

December 13, 2005

let me one-up you: my GYNECOLOGIST is hott. With 2 t’s. SHE is hott. That’s embarrassing. Darn me for being halfgay *Mel

December 13, 2005

You silly goose.. I didn’t date all those gay guys… I just liked them… haha!! I would be cursed if I did date them all.. I would just give up dating at that point!JK. Wanna ride in my helicopter???

December 13, 2005


December 13, 2005

I play D&D too…I knew we were meant to be. 😉

December 14, 2005

RYN: may sound silly, but i’m flattered you pulled a :O when you read, “where i’ll be bathing…” that was cute and it made me laugh aloud, and i’m having a crappy day…rain, rain, and a bitchy friend to put up with… in other words, THANK YOU! xo