yeah… stuff.

I’d have to say that ye few who partake in reading my diary are the ones that know me best.  The day you all line up outside my door is the day I’ve died and gone to heaven.  Yes I see all of you, and it makes me curse those fucked up long distance relationships I’ve had in the past, because now they may be ruining things for the girl who is actually worth that effort.  Maybe one of you… I don’t know.  I don’t know much at all.  As much as I feel happy for all of you with significant others it still breaks my heart to think that I’m still alone.  Still….. it WAS Martin Luther who said "Be a sinner, and sin boldly…" so… technically I could covet each and every one of you even if I were adultering and I’d be cool with JC as long as I said "oopsie!  you’re the man!  I repent" so, Cheryl… Kelly… Mel… Sara… everyone who hasn’t yet read the previous entry… you want a slice of Mr. E, you just come take it.  And seriously… if you know any single girls in Austin you put in a good word for me.  I’ll love you even more than I already do.  So here now is a haiku, for all you sinners out there:

Ho, all ye sinners
Sin most fangoriously
Whilest there is yet time


oh and by the way… Conan rules.

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December 6, 2005

I know a single girl in Houston? Just read the last two entries in a bought of early morning-ness. And you need a boob nuzzle. And just like everyone else, I have a hard time believing that you will stay single for long. If any girl in Austin knows what’s good for her, she’d up and snatch you right away. So don’t worry. *hug and a boob nuzzle* 🙂

A slice of Mr. E? What happened to calling yourself Teh Sex? We gotta get you a woman………if anything cuz it’s cold now, and boob nuzzles/cuddling are good for the soul this time of year. And yes, Conan does indeed rule, as a talk show host or a barbarian… Conan, what is best in life? Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women! Joey

December 6, 2005

i only know one girl in austin and she just got married. guh. i’d say “come to conencticut!” but in all honesty that’s a fate i don’t wish on many people. especially in bloody winter. colder ‘n a witch’s tit out there.

December 6, 2005

The best way to find a great person is when your not looking at all.:) It’s easy to get swept away into TRYING to find something attractive in someone else. Good luck on the hunt.:)

December 6, 2005

funny how i randomly stumbled upon this entry and randomly know a single chick in austin. funny how she’s great in bed – but (and this is according to her) her vagina tastes like “mexican food.” which, okay, she told me that years and years and omg years ago…so maybe it just tastes like plain old cooter these days. but, ya know, if you’re a beggar you can’t be a chooser.

December 6, 2005

okay first of all, i don’t know any single girls in austin. sorry. i do, however, know a lot of single girls in calgary, as i mentioned before, so hurry up and get your ass up here! and fangoriously is a great word. lastly, i love you.

December 11, 2005

Conan is the bomb digity. There is this guy, Robert Jordan…he writes the most awesome Conan books. If you like to read you should read those. And of course I would put a good word in for you! Your the best. Im pretty much single though too….hmmm…..whatever happened to our wedding date? Hehee.