
Ok.  me and another OD member, having completed a list of quirks about ourselves, were discussing these lists and we decided another thing to do would be to list our pet peeves as well.  We couldn’t think of a number to stop at because so many things that people do piss us off so we’re just writing as many as we can think of.  Then we’re going to make other people do the same thing.  ha.  ha.  ha.

1. I hate it when people online can’t spell worth a crap and then they try to talk to me.  ur teh suxx0rz.

2. I hate it when people interrupt me in the middle of something I’m obviously not finished with to ask me if I’m done yet and if not when I’ll be finished.  If they’d just shut up and go away I’d be done faster.

3. I hate it when people don’t know how to drive but they’re in cars anyway. 

4. I hate it when I switch the last letters of words like ‘abotu’ or ‘goign’.  watch me do it somewhere in the entry and not notice.

5. I want to rip peoples eyes out and shove them up their noses when they stand behind me staring at me.

6. I hate it when people tell me to do things when I’m hungry.  I’d rather do stuff when I’m full and not grouchy.

7. I hate when people interrupt my flow.  I have a certain speed I like to do things and a certain order and that’s the way I’m gonna do it dammit!

8. I wish I had a bazooka so I could blow up the cars that like to slowly creep forward when they’re stopped at traffic lights.  what’s that abotu …. fuck.  there I did a number 4.  They’re not going to get there any faster by slowly creeping up behind another stopped car.

9. I hate smelling food that I’ll never have any chance of eating when I’m hungry.  it’s like torture!  there is a fucking UN protocol thing against that.

10. I hate to be rushed.  if people were just a little more PATIENT I wouldn’t want to kill them in so many ways.

11. I CAN’T STAND having a stupid song stuck in my head and I will do absolutely anythign to push it back the fuck out again.  Including singing another annoying song out loud until the first one goes away.

12. I hate it when people think that they’re better than other people.  shows what they know.  assholes.

13. I hate it when rish people flaunt their wealth, and buy useless expensive crap.  or ugly clothes that make me want to burn them for witchcraft.

14. I fucking hate pictures of people with thier mouths open as wide as possible while they’re laughing or grinnign like an imbecile or advertising clothes or something.  Shut your filthy mouth before I break your jaw.  No one wants to see your tonsils.

15. I hate it when people creep up behind me and either lightly nudge the back of my arm, or my elbow or put their hand firmly on my shoulder.  I KNOW YOU’RE THERE RETARD.  YOU HAVE MY ATTENTION.  I heard you coming from 20 yards away because you breathe like a rhinocerous and your feet sound like war drums.

16. I, like most people, hate pop-ups.  No one really wants your crappy home insurance deal.  seriously.

17. I hate it when I can’t remember the one thing I want to remember and this is especially aggravating if I also have to pee.

18. Speaking of which I hate it when I have to pee and people try to stop me and have a long drawn out conversation.  I’m not going to listen to you until I’m relieved.  shoo.

19. I hate it when people say that they’re "easygoing" or "outgoing" I hate any hybrid word that has "-going" on the end that doesn’t actually mean that you’re going somewhere.  just say calm, yet extroverted.  you’ll sound more intelligent.  even if you’re not.

20. I hate having bumps or blemishes on my skin and I will pick at them until they go away.  even if I start to bleed.  Better a scab that I know will heal then a bump that I’m tired of enduring.

I’ll stop here for now even though I could easily go on.  I haven’t even touched mini-vans yet.

damienne, WhisperToMe, policecops, QuietDiva, and BlueAesSedai… you’re up. tell me what annoys the piss out of you. I’m sure this will be first on your list.


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December 2, 2005

Sweet.. not we have our little pet peeves up! I like yours more.. they are really specific. Hmm.. Now I know I can inch up at the stop light in my minivan, get out and grab your arm,while breathing heavily, and then..I will flaunt my richness in your face and act like I am better than you!! Haha JK!! Take care!!

December 3, 2005

I fucking hate pictures of people with thier mouths open as wide as possible UM OOPS WHAT WAS THAT IN MY LAST ENTRY?! also i actually *wasn’t* there when you IM’d me, thought i’d tell you here since you, predictably, aren’t online. someday, though… -evil mr. burns hand gesture-

December 3, 2005

I tagged you!!!:)

December 3, 2005

20 things? Jeez alot of stuff pisses you off. I’ll see what I can do.

December 3, 2005

i’ll probably write one of these things later, i am too drunk now. bye.