liars! liars! pants on fires!

That girl in the ad is SO not single.  with lips and boobs like that I’d bet my left testicle she’s got a boyfriend at least.  they lie.  and they shall fester in the deepest most special hells that liars go to.  anyway.  I just wanted to tell about how after band practice yesterday, Me and Joe went to see his old roommate (who owes him a lot of money) at IHOP.  Matt didn’t actually pay Joe any money but he paid for his meal which was a kind gesture and means that he does intend to honor his debt someday and pay Joe back.  but that’s not what I wanted to tell.  When we were at IHOP, two of Matt’s friends showed up and the cute one kept hugging his head into her boobies every time she walked by.  Then at the end of the meal she does it again and I muse to myself how nice that would feel… and then she walks up to me and nuzzles my head right into her boobs in a big hug!  All I could think to say was "awww!  Thank you!"  I was really too shocked that I actually got exactly what I wanted right when I wanted it.  She smelled nice.  Honestly that simple gesture made me happy for the rest fo the day.  It wasn’t a quick "I dunno you but I’ll hug you because you’re with my friend" type hug either it was like "here you need a good lovin hug" type hug.  More people should just do that.  I’m still kinda blown away that she’d be so sweet.  That kind of personality is way too attractive to me.  My mom is funny.  She says we should be required by law to carry guns with us at all times because the idiots would go ahead and kill eachother, and everyone who was left would be a WHOLE LOT NICER.  I think she’s silly, but right in a queer sort of way.  She also says that drugs should be legal and everyone who wants to OD can go ahead and get it out of their system and then people can take thier kids around and show them "this is a crack whore… this guy is strung out on acid, These guys are hopped up on PCP, the couple sweating and fucking in the street over there took some X, the guy vomiting is strung out on heroine, and the lady with the blood leaking out from her nose and mouth and eyes is passed out from some bad cocaine.  Any questions, little Billy?"  Nothing like the naked truth to keep kids off drugs.  I love my mom.

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December 1, 2005

Oh okay, I live off of Braker.:) Are you at UT? I’m at ACC right now. Hmm your mom sounds cool, I wish mine was.:) I think it’s funny that something so simple as a hug can brighten your whole day. I hope u get a billion more hugs this week.;)

December 1, 2005

Ha. I think I love your mom, too. And I’m glad you go a good boob nuzzle, even if it wasn’t from me.

December 1, 2005

Who needs the girl when you can get boob hugs at IHOP? Let me know when they put strong arms on the menu.

December 1, 2005

Hey. Tell me some details of the show and I can see if I have time to make it.:) I don’t know why..but you look really really familiar… What is your bands name? That might be why? I can’t put my finger on it.. lol.:) Maybe you just look like someone else, but I really think I have seen u somewhere!!

December 2, 2005

ryn: no, i think i’m the one missing out, because in all my years on opendiary you’re the only person i’ve ever come across who has those popup messages on their front page that are actually FUNNY. and not annoying. i think you might have the coolest mother ever. and i have the coolest father ever. this was just fate. we’re just conduits for parental greatness: by their powers combined..

December 3, 2005

haha your mom sounds awesome. have a good one 🙂