Splinter Of Reality

You keep kidding yourself
It’s something else
A backdrop to hell
You keep putting yourself
In a morphine shell
In a backdrop to hell
When you wanna hammer this home
Reality dims
A backdrop to hell
When you stammer as if
You forgot to bend
A backdrop to hell
Thank the maker you’re so soothing
So soothing
So soothing
So soothing
I’ll curb my advance
If you take it slow
A backdrop to hell
If I had half a chance
I’d forget all I know
In a backdrop to hell
I like to mend
No taking breaks
A backdrop to hell
Now I have to go
There’s more time to waste
In a backdrop to hell
Thank the maker you’re so soothing
So soothing
So soothing
So soothing
You know you can’t change your
Horsemen in the middle of
What we consider
An apocalyptic error
Even though you may sever
Your ties, you’re still a sinner
And the tables are turning
It’s getting crowded in here
Shrug it off
It’s something else
Shrug it off
It’s something less

Thank the maker you’re so soothing
So soothing
So soothing
So soothing

You better be careful
The side affects may include
Delusions of grandeur
Chronic lying and contusions
Reality splinters
The blood keeps getting thicker
Just like you, but you’re empty
A troubadour dissenter

~Splinter Of Reality, by Phoenix Saga

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